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GAME TIMESTORY-TELLING GAME Theme: exploration/adventure Lesson 43 Over the South PoleTopics for discussionWhat famous explorers do you know about?What are the main differences between ‘ modern’ expeditions and those of fifty years ago or more? What do you know about the South Pole?The map of the world Latin/South/North America南极洲:Antarctica Antarctica South Pole The last mainland discovered : AntarcticaThe southernmost point: South pole (pole light)Antarctic penguins are the most representative animal , a symbol of the Antarctic. There are a total of 21 species of penguins .Along the coast , at least six kinds of seals (海豹) live .Blue whales, the worlds largest animals.snowbird (雪鸟), albatrosses[?lb?tr?s] 信天翁 seagull /wiki/%E6%B5%B7%E9%B8%A5海鸥 , skuas [‘skju:?] 贼鸥 …※Antarctica :最偏远的Antarctica is the worlds most isolated continent, surrounded by a vast ocean .Antarctica is the worlds coldest continent, where the worlds lowest recorded temperature of -89.2 ℃ degrees is observed so far.Antarctica is the worlds highest continent, Antarctica, the average altitude is 2350 meters.Antarctica is the worldsdriest continent, near the South Pole, the annual precipitation 降水量 is close to zero, forming dry white desert.Antarctica has the largest amount of snow and ice, greater than 95% of the worlds total ice and snow .最冷的最高的最干燥的最多数量的冰雪最难到达的大陆The Antarctic is the most difficult continent to approach. It’s not only far apart from other continents , but also surrounded by a number of kilometers of ice shelves; the waters around the Antarctic continent are also covered by thousands of huge floating icebergs, causing great difficulties and dangers for maritime navigation. For hundreds of years, in order to reveal its mysterious veil, thousands of explorers have headed for Antarctica .※Exploration罗尔德·亚孟森Roald E. G. Amundsen 罗伯特·斯科特Robert Falcon Scott The first people to reach the South Pole Roald Amundsen (罗尔德?亚孟森) and his entourage, arrived on December 14, 19



