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课堂观察记录与分析 (作业模版) 学员姓名 李旭 学员单位 永年县焦窑小学 观察时间段 授课40分钟 观察对象 小学四年级学生 授课内容 My classroom 观察点 教学过程客观描述 教学实施优缺分析 教学行为调整建议 一、课前情境创设(激发学生学习兴趣的问题情境创设) Step 1 Warm-up/ Review 1, 日常口语练习 ? T: Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to school! ? Ss: Hello, Miss Sun. T: Nice to see you again. ? Ss: Nice to see you, too. 2, Review it! Review words about classroom objects: book, pen, pencil, bag, sharpener, ruler, desk and chair. Hold or point to the objects and have the students repeat. 3, Sing it! Listen to the song “In the Classroom” twice. 这一环节通过教师与学生自由交谈,渗透了新学期开学的师生情感沟通,很自然。 这一环节通过复习教室中的设施和学习用具词汇,复习了与学校学习有关的词汇,活跃了课堂气氛,并为下一步学习作铺垫。 这一环节让学生在歌曲的轻松气氛中进入学习状态,同时为新课做铺垫。 她从理论走到实践,调整了传统教学模式由原来的直接导入到现在的谈话导入,她真正的走进了学生,通过间接性话题逐步引导到中心话题,引导的很自然。 词汇教学进行调整,通过游戏教学提高了学生的学习兴趣,说明该教师体现了服务于学生需求的教育思想。 改变过去学生上课的消极因素,进行唱歌来提高学习英语的兴趣。 二、知识概念的理解和深化(学生思维的启发和引导过程) Step 2, Presentation/ Practice 1, T: Do you like this song “In the classroom”?(出示单词卡) Ss: Yes. T :Oh, I’m so happy to hear that!? OK, read after me. 用升降语调读单词classroom。 Ss跟读。 T: This is our classroom. It’s so big. What’s in the classroom? (What can you see in our classroom?) Ss: Pen, pencil, ruler, desk, chair, … T: Yes. We can see many desks and chairs… in the classroom. What else can you see? Ss: We can see 黑板,电灯…… T: What’s the English for “黑板”?Look! (T point to the board) It’s a board. Let Ss read follow the T. T: A board. (T shows a word picture) ? Two boards. (T shows two word pictures) Let Ss read follow the T. T: How many boards can you see in our classroom? Let’s count. T and Ss: One board, two boards….歌谣如下:One board, two boards,three boards, four. Five boards, six boards, seven boards, more. T: What colour is the board? (T points to the board) Ss: It’s green/ black. T: Yes, it’s green/ black. This is a green board/ blackboard. Board, board, board, clean the board. (T cleans the board. Ss repeat and do actions.) 2, T: Look! What’s this? (T points to the window) It’s a window. Let Ss read follow the T. T: A window. (T shows a word picture)


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