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An Amazing Dog 篇章翻译 Dogs need 4 legs to walk …or do they? Well most of them do, but a dog named Faith was born with deformities with only two hind legs. This story can be traced back to 12 years ago. Faith was born without front legs, and even its mother treated it as a “monster” and refused to feed it. Later, its former owner thought it was impossible for the dog to survive and abandoned it. Fortunately, a kind little girl in the neighborhood found the dying dog and began to take care of it with sympathy and affection. After months of good care, the poor dog not only miraculously survived, but also learned to walk upright with the only two remaining hind legs. The girl gave it a pleasant name-Faith. Soon the story of a dog with only two legs spread near and afar, and her picture appear on many newspapers. Faith has become a star and her owner has started the Little Faith Foundation and they Travel along with her pet, spreading their faith and God ’s love to as many as they can. At the end of 2008, the dog became a cover star of People Weekly, a famous magazine in America. And that never happened before. Even the serious Washington Post made such a vivid description of the dog, “It Is a power that falls upon the blundering America; It is a road lamp that guides surely and cheerfully right before the lost; it is a happiness that hides tears and sorrows only to play smiles and songs. Its name is Faith. A dog has only two legs and can be able to walk upright like human. ” The kindness and consideration in Faith’s eyes are similar as that of mothers’. It often plays racing games with children, and also brought joys to the old and lonely. It usually walks dignifiedly and seriously with its two unsteady hind legs and that moved the many people, young or old, me


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