广东高考英语听说考试part b role play公开课-.ppt

广东高考英语听说考试part b role play公开课-.ppt

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广东高考英语听说考试part b role play公开课-

Question 2: - Why won’t the woman’s father travel with her this year? Because he is busy with his company. Computer: “He has some business with his company.” Notes: business with com. Question 3: - How is the climate in Singapore? It is warm and wet. Computer: “The climate is very nice – both warm and wet.” Notes: climate nice warm wet Question 4: - What did the man do in Singapore last year? He was on a business trip to consult their customers about prices. Computer: “Last year, our company sent me there to consult our customers about prices.” Notes: Last Y consult custs abt prices Attention Question 5: - How long do the speakers have to prepare for travelling? Three weeks. Computer: “Then we have three weeks to get everything ready.” Notes: 3 wks get everyth. ready Tip:Use a brief answer. Attention: Tense(时态) Question words(疑问词) Person(人称) Order (语序) Passage dictation. (5w1h; number, price, date, age, place, … ) Have large vocabulary in stock. Find a partner to chat in English. Practice makes perfect. What can we do? Design five questions about “plan for National Day Holiday” (包含一般疑问句、选择疑问句、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句). Find a partner to answer your questions and you write down the answers. Assignment Part B Role play 角色扮演部分的话题范围在5话题项目表以内,贴近学生的实际生活,即个人情况、周围环境、日常活动、学校生活、兴趣和爱好等的方面的内容。语言材料大部分以对话形式出现,题目中有简短的情景介绍。 3问考查语言结构;5答考查信息点的获取情况 How to ask questions? 1. General Questions (一般疑问句) 1) 肯定: 你每天都运动吗? Do you do exercise every day? 2) 否定: 他难道不懂我的问题吗? Can’t he understand my question? 一般疑问句常见句型 1) Be+主语+…? 大家都到齐了吗? Is everyone here? 他们今晚会在家吗? Will they be at home tonight? 2) Do/Does/Did+主语+谓语 他经常骑车上学吗? Does he often go to school by bike? 3) 情态动词+主语+谓语 我们应该把会议延迟到下周一吗? Should we postpone the meeting to next Monday? 4) Have/Has+主语+过去分词 你征求他的意见了吗? Have you asked him about his opinion? 2. Special Questions(特殊疑问句) 1)这个人是做什么的? What does


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