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2013年6月英语四级点评 四级听力真题点评 四级考试结束,不管是通过分析真题还是看网上考生的普遍反馈,都不难得出这次四级考试的听力部分比去年12月份的题目难度略有下降,与去年6月题目基本持平。广大考生如果在考前做好了充足的准备,这次想要顺利通过应该不成问题。 先从今年听力考试的几大话题说起,我们在课堂上反复给学生强调的校园场景,工作场景这次依然是重中之重。比如求职过程中要提交的application letter,在college中获得degree,都是在往年考试中也曾出现过的重点单词。而其它一些小场景,比如酒店场景,健身场景,医院场景,购物场景也都是四级听力考试一贯的热门。通过这次考试,我们可以再次验证之前总结的规律:历年真题是过级的最佳材料。 再从技巧方面分析,19~35题,占四级考试119分的长对话和短文部分,只有21分不能用我们教学生的视听一致原则。而11~18短对话题中大部分的解题点也都是在我们强调过的答句。至于复合式听写,八个单词中有三个考察了动词的过去式过去分词,三个考察了名词的复数,通过考后反馈,不少学生写对了单词的原形,忽略了这些小细节导致不必要的丢分,希望这能引起广大考生的注意,在下次考试中能先通过已给段落判断出可能填的词性,然后有的放矢地关注复数或过去式。 11, C)There is no need for the man to make such afuss。 12, A)Fitness training。 13, B)He has got to save on fuel bills。 14, A)Committing theft。 15, D)She has almost recovered from the cough。 16, D)Pamela’s mistakes could have been avoided。 17, C)In a hotel room。 18, A)She was an excellent students at a college。 19, A)Arranging the woman’s appointment with Mr.Romero。 20, B)The awards ceremony。 21, C)He is the woman’s assistant 22, B)Send in an application letter。 23, D)Someone willing to work beyond regular hours。 24, A)Travel opportunities。 25, C)It is to be negotiated。 26, B)To make shoppers see as many items aspossible。 27, C)On easily accessible shelves。 28, A)Many of them buy things on impulse。 29, D)Customers losing all sense of time。 30, C)Studying for a college degree。 31, D)He asked different people for their opinions。 32, C)Its way of waking people up。 33, A)It is often caused by a change ofcircumstances。 34, A)They cannot mix well with others。 35, B)They doubt their own popularity。 36, locked 37, forgotten 38, responsible 39, swift 40, collected 41, individuals 42, institutions 43, agencies 44, Survey shows that the number of the worriedAmericans has been steadily growing over the years。 45, 37% of the people questioned failed thatprivacy was being invaded。 46, A recent survey by a credit bureau reviewedthat the number of alarm citizens have shocked up to 76%。 四级阅读、完型与翻译真题点评 阅读部分 综观今年的四级快速阅读,较去年12月相比难度有所降低,没有太多的长难句,句式



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