高一英语外研社必修一 模块4 a lively city课-件.ppt

高一英语外研社必修一 模块4 a lively city课-件.ppt

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高一英语外研社必修一 模块4 a lively city课-件

Xiamen summer—pretty hot winter—quite cold Many tourists come here in summer. Huge apartment blocks; high-rise buildings; great shopping malls. modern The most interesting part of the city, some pretty parks. A gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture On the south coast of China The most attractive,lively,interesting city. location climate tourism Business district Western district scenery (Gulangyu) summary Task: Fill in the blanks. Xiamen is one of the most ___________cities on the______. The climate is ___________and wet in summer , but it can be quite cold in winter. Every year, many_______ come to Xiamen to spend their holidays,especially in summer. Its____________ has put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. And there are some great_____________. The western district is the most interesting part of the city. It’s got some really____________. Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island. It’s a ________island with some really interesting____________. attractive coast pretty hot tourists business district shopping malls pretty parks gorgeous architecture What will you describe about Yuan Ping location (位置) :in the ……of china area (面积) : … square km(2571平方千米 ) Population (人口) : ……million (48万) Scenery : lakes , rivers , mountains…… climate : wet , cold , warm , dry…… architecture :apartment block, shopping mall Life : happy ,simple,peaceful, comfortable , relaxing…… Aspects (方面) 原平 原平 2. since conj. 从……以来 (常与完成时态连用) 3. This/ It is the first/second time +现在完成时 这是第一(第二)次做…… It’s time +主语+did…… 该到做……的时候了 (从句中谓语要用虚拟语气,使用一般过去时) 1. (It’s)great/nice to meet/to see you again. ==Nice /Glad to meet/to see you. 4. (sb) have been to a place (某人)到过某地(现已不在那个地方) 比较: (sb) have gone to a place (某人)已去了某地(该人不在说话现场) Where have you been? I have been to the library to look up some information. Mr Li isn’t in. He has


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