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■当熊猫宝宝开始自己啃咬竹子时,这些科学家知道他们会成功完成实验的。 The scientists knew that they would_________________ the experiment when the panda babies began to ___ and eat bamboo by themselves. succeed bite With the help of his friend , he _____ in moving the big rock A failed B managered C succeeded D tried A B C success successful (n) (v) (adj) to finish finishing in finishing succeed in doing: 成功做某事 ◆ fail ◆ succeed fail to do 失败做某事 succeed Language points for Reading II long before “早在…之前很久”. It will (not) be long before +从句(不久后将会....) 从句用一般现在时或一般过去时, 主句用一般将来时 或一般过去将来时。 Language points Ex. It ___ long before we___ the result Of the experiment. A. will not be; will know B. is; will know C. will not be; know D. is; know 拓展:before long 不久以后 ◆ come into being :形成, 产生 ■ 漏油事件危害到了许多海鸟的生存,这促使了许多以保护鸟类为目标的 社会团体形成 ______with oil spills ____many sea birds, this has encouraged societies to ____________, whose ___ is to save the birds Incidents harm come into being goal ■ 我们的学校是1997年被建立的 ※ Our school ___________ in 1997 A B set up was set up ※ Our school ___________ in 1997 came into being A B was come into being come into being 不可以用被动语态 There is a story about how the word “ sandwich”___________ A came into being B was came into being C came to power D was came to power ◆ according to : 按照,根据….所说 ■ 根据标题和图片, 这篇文章主要讲的是什么内容? What is the main idea of the passage _________ the ____ and the pictures according to title ■ We are paid __________ how much work we did ■ ____________ many old people, he likes this kind of song A B C D according to according to as a result of With the help of In common with 野生动植物保护基金会定期视察大熊猫保护区,结果 那里的大熊猫得到了 很好的保护。 他们确保任何大熊猫捕猎者会受到惩罚,毫不留情 The WWF _______ the panda_______ r


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