三年级上册快乐英语阅读题 复习.doc

三年级上册快乐英语阅读题 复习.doc

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三年级上册快乐英语阅读题 复习

三年级快乐英语三上阅读题专项练习 Unit1 The three little pigs(三只小猪) 一.Fill in the blanks( 填空 ) 1.(Two /Three) Three (三只) little pigs build the houses(造房子). 2.The ( wolf / tiger) wolf(狼) is hungry(饿) . 3.The ( stick /brick ) brick(砖头) house is stable(坚固). 二、词组翻译 1、three little pigs 三只小猪 2、build my house with straw 用草造我的房子 3、build my house with sticks 用木头造我的房子 4、build my house with bricks 用砖头造我的房子 5、blow away your house 吹走你的房子 6、I’m hungry 我饿了 Unit2The fox and the crow(狐狸和乌鸦) 一、 Read and judge.(判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F) The crow (乌鸦)gets(得到) some cakes.( F ) meat肉 The fox(狐狸) wants to eat(吃) the meat(肉).( T ) The crow (乌鸦)is beautiful漂亮. ( F ) ugly(丑) The fox(狐狸) eats(吃) the meat(肉). ( T ) 二、词组翻译 the fox and the crow 狐狸和乌鸦 have some meat 吃些肉 have a good idea 有过好主意 Your feathers are so pretty 你的羽毛是如此的漂亮 Your voice is beautiful. 你的声音很动听 sing a song for me 为我唱支歌 come on 来吧 / 加油 my dear crow 我亲爱的乌鸦 10、get the meat 得到了肉 Unit3The hare and the tortoise(兔子和乌龟) 一.Fill in the blanks( 填空 ) 1.The hare(兔子) has a race (比赛)with the tortoise (乌龟)(hare / tortoise). 2.The (hare / tortoise) is hare(兔子)sleeping(睡觉). 3.The winner(赢家) of the race is the tortoise(乌龟) (hare / tortoise). 二、 Read and judge.(判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F) 1.The hare (兔子)can run fast(跑得快).( T ) 2.The tortoise(乌龟) runs slowly(跑得慢). ( T ) 3.The hare(兔子)win (赢)the race(比赛). ( F) tortoise (乌龟) 三、搭配,把英文序号填在前面的括号内。 (C)1.hare A 准备 (H)2.tortoise B 慢的 (A)3.ready C兔子 (D)4.have a rest D休息一下 (E)5.I win the race E 我赢了比赛 (B)6.Slow F 睡觉 (F)7.Sleep



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