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5、 Geographical territory地域.ppt

Chapter5 NEGOTIATING TERMS 第五章 合同条款谈判 Review the old lesson Write a copyright application letter 写一封版权申请信 topic-introducing 煮熟的鸭子飞走了 法新社纽约2003年12月23日报道,美国出版社SimonSchuster宣布,撤回美国前第一夫人、现任纽约州民主党参议员希拉里出版回忆录中文译本的出版权。 CONTENTS ■External copyright material外部版权资料 ■ Printing film or other production material 印刷软片和其他生产材料 ■Licence terms许可条款 ■ Inclusion of additional rights附加权利 ■Geographical territory 地域 ■Duration of licence许可期限 ■Currency货币 ■ Special points for same language reprint licences 同种语言影印版权许可特殊要点 ■Terms for conditions联合出版条款 1 、External copyright material外部版权资料 A book contains extensive amount of text quoted from previously published sources or if it is heavily illustrated. 所谈图书包含大量已经发表的作品的引文,或者书中有许多插图. 1 、External copyright material外部版权资料 For an illustrated book or perhaps for a book such as a dictionary or language course which is to be reprinted under licence in the original language. 一本多插画的书, 或者以原语言影印的词典 或语言课程方面的书。 2、Printing film or other production material 印刷软片和其他生产材料 financial terms 付款条款 payment structure 付款结构 an advance payment预付款 royalty版税 3、 Licence terms许可条款 From the western publisher‘s perspective,an advance payment (even a modest one) is an essential token of good faith that the deal will go ahead 在西方出版社看来,预付款(即使比较少)是贸易进展中诚信的重要表示 What is external copyright material? 2 What is the different between an advance payment and royalty? Home work Review the old lesson: 1 What is external copyright material? 2 What is the different between an advance payment and royalty? Most translation licence contracts provided by publishers or agents familiar with the market will be restricted to volume publication rights. This would mean that the right to subsidence rights elsewhere 熟悉中国市场的出版社或代理商将 大多数许可翻译合同限定为图书出版权。这就意味着转让中文版的附属权利自动地排除在本合同外, 4、 Inclusion of additional rights附加权利 For translation or bilingual rights, Chinese publishers are seeking the right to acquire rights for public


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