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成都理工大学工程技术学院毕业论文 我国上市公司股利分配政策研究 作者姓名:谢兵辉 专业名称:财务管理 指导老师:王 飞 讲师 我国上市公司股利分配政策研究 - PAGE IV - 摘要 作为上市公司的核心财务政策之一股利分配,既关系到公司股东的利益和福利水平,又关系到公司未来的发展,因而受到投资者的关注。合理的股利分配政策有利于上市公司的股权结构的稳定、可持续发展,实现公司的价值最大化。 股利政策是现在我国上市公司财务管理中的一大难题:税后利润究竟作为股利分配给股东好呢,还是留在企业作为企业内部积累好?究竟采取那种的形式支付股利更有利于公司的发展?诸如此类的一系列问题至今未有统一的说法。不过,越来越多的金融专家投入股利政策的理论和实证研究,却已清楚地显示出股利政策的在公司发展的中的重要地位。 本文主要介绍了中国上市公司的股利政策分配现状,包括股利政策主要类型、支付方式以及股利分配特点。影响我国上市公司股利政策分配因素以及对规范我国上市公司股利政策分配的建议。 关键字:上市公司 股利政策 股利分配 Abstract As a listed companys dividend distribution of one of the core financial policy, both to the interests of shareholders and the level of benefits, but also related to the companys future development, and thus subject to the attention of investors. Reasonable dividend distribution policy in favor of the equity structure of listed companies stability, sustainable development and maximize the value of the company. Dividend policy is now in the financial management of listed companies in China is a major problem: What after-tax profits distributed to shareholders as a dividend is good, or to stay in business as a good internal accumulation? How to pay dividends in the form that is more conducive to the development of the company? A series of questions such as these has yet unified view. However, more and more investment in dividend policy, financial experts, theoretical and empirical research, it has already clearly demonstrated the companys dividend policy in the development of an important position. In this paper, the Chinese listed companies the Distribution of dividend policy, including the main types of dividend policy, dividend payments and characteristics. Dividend Policy of Listed Companies in China to Regulate distribution factors, and dividend policy of listed companies assigned proposals. Keywords: Listed Companies; Dividend Policy; Dividend Distribution 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc292114772 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc292114772 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc292114773 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc292114773


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