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Smart Grid
28卷 1期 电网与清洁能源 Vol.28 No.1
2012年1月 Power System and Clean Energy Jan. 20 12
: : :
章编号 1674-3814(2012)0 1-0025-04 中图分类号 TM774 文献标志码 B
华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院 北京 102206 )
Realization of Synchronous Acquisition in Mobile
Phase-Comparison Method for Earth Fault
Location of Distribution Network
, ,
ZHANG Zhi-fu HONG Yun-feng JIANG Tong
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China )
ABSTRACT According to the fault location principle of 我国6~66 kV配电网广泛采用中性点不接地或
mobile phase -comparison , this paper presents a method for 经消弧线圈接地的运行方式,又称为小电流接地系
simultaneous measurements of zero sequence voltage/current 统。这类系统发生单相接地故障时,接地电流小,允
at two different locations by using second pulse 1 pulse/s
许带负荷运行1~2 h ,从而提高了供电可靠性。随着
and UTC in COMPASS. 1 pulse/ s and UTC can provide
synchronous trigger signal and time stamp for acquisition,
respectively . To verify the 1 pulse/ s signal synchronization, a 故障定位问题显得日渐重要。配电网的故障定位技
software and hardware platform is designed, which can 术对于配电网安全可靠性具有非常重要的意义。
realize the accuracy test of different 1 pulse/ s interfaces