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英文名著3000 本 Studies and Essays: The Inn of Tranquility and Others by John Galsworthy 1 英文名著3000 本 Je vous dirai que lexces est toujours un mal.- ANATOLE FRANCE CONCERNING LIFE 2 英文名著3000 本 TABLE OF CONTENTS: INN OF TRANQUILITY MAGPIE OVER THE HILL HEEP-SHEARING EVOLUTION RIDING IN THE MIST THE PROCESSION A CHRISTIAN WIND IN THE ROCKS MY DISTANT RELATIVE THE BLACK GODMOTHER 3 英文名著3000 本 THE INN OF TRANQUILLITY Under a burning blue sky, among the pine-trees and junipers, the cypresses and olives of that Odyssean coast, we came one afternoon on a pink house bearing the legend: Osteria di Tranquillita,; and,partly because of the name, and partly because we did not expect to find a house at all in those goat-haunted groves above the waves, we tarried for contemplation. To the familiar simplicity of that Italian building there were not lacking signs of a certain spiritual change, for out of the olive-grove which grew to its very doors a skittle-alley had been formed, and two baby cypress-trees were cut into the effigies of a cock and hen. The song of a gramophone, too,was breaking forth into the air, as it were the presiding voice of a high and cosmopolitan mind. And, lost in admiration, we became conscious of the odour of a full-flavoured cigar. Yes--in 4 英文名著3000 本 the skittle-alley a gentleman was standing who wore a bowler hat, a bright brown suit, pink tie, and very yellow boots. His head was r


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