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Notre Dame DE Paris appreciation Hugo followed time steps, he is an important writer in the French literary history , is the leader of the early 19th century positive romanticism literature movement. Victor Hugo -- the violent impact of dark and light before celebrating religious festival at Notre Dame DE Paris, the beautiful pure gypsy girl Esmeralda had a wonderful performance. But vice bishopClaude up evil thoughts to her, instigate bellman Quasimodo kidnap her, but the king guard captain Fabius then saved her. From then on, girl fell in love with the Fabius. because of Claudes jealous, he stabbed Fabius, but referred Esmeralda , that she was sentenced to death. the introduction of Notre Dame DE Paris the perfect artistic image,she has the most beautiful appearance, and have good pure faithful heart 1、Esmeralda characters in Notre Dame DE Paris At the bottom of society,but is also good-hearted. He has a ugly appearance, and become parents and social outcast 2、Quasimodo characters in Notre Dame DE Paris Hugo said:“Ugly in the beautiful side, and deformity near the beautiful, vulgar hidden in the back of the sublime, and the evil and the good coexist, dark and light phase altogether.” Then,I will show you the contrast characteristics in Notre Dame DE Paris The comparison of the characters 1、The comparison of beauty and ugliness Artistic features in Notre Dame DE Paris the comparation between Esmeralda and others Esmeralda Claude Quasimodo Fabius Baggett Gringoire Artistic features in Notre Dame DE Paris Civilians beggar monks noble the compares in Plot and scene Paris, the center of France Notre Dame, the symbol of religious authority, however the story happened here, and the story of it is so sad and gloomy terrible The comparison of the two dynasty: one is the feudal dynasty of Louis, the other one was beggars the miracle dynasty. Artistic features in Notre Dame DE Paris


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