人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows PPT课件教学幻灯片.ppt

人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows PPT课件教学幻灯片.ppt

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人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows PPT课件教学幻灯片.ppt

Learning Aims: Give opinions;Talk about likes and dislikes. Learning Directions: How to make conversations. A1 A1 1.talk show____ 2.soap opera____ 3.sports show____ 4.sitcom(situation comedy)__ 5.game show____ e d a c b think of don’t mind stand sb. What do you think of soap operas? I can’t stand them. don’t mind don’t like A:What do you think of Dumpling King? B:I_______it. A:Do you______Er Bao? B:No,I______________him,But I__________his brother ,Xiao Bao.How about you? A:I don’t like him.In fact,I_____________ like sitcoms. love like can’t stand don’t mind don’t Class is over! 每个人的前面,都有一条通向远方的路,崎岖但充满希望。不是人人都能走到远方,因为总有人因为没倒掉鞋里的沙子而疲惫不堪半途而废。 A2 What does Alan think of “Sports news”? He likes it. Host:Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk. We’re talking to Alan,a thirteen-year-old boy . Welcome to the show ,Alan. A:Thank you.H: Do you like to watch TV? A:___________ H:What do you think of Sports News? A:I__________. H: I do,too!How about Healthy Living? Yes,I do. like it. A:_____________ H:Really?What do you think of___________? A:I love it. H:And Culture China? A:_____________ H:How about Chinese Cooking? A:Oh,I can’t stand it .Cooking is for moms! H:Ok!Thanks for joining us, Alan! Next we’re talking to… I don’t like it. English today I like it. What do you think of “Tell it like it is!”? I love it. I do ,too. See you later! Unit11 B1 Learning Aims: Practice conversa- tions. Learning Directions: How to talk about like and dislike. Well, I have a watch,a scarf,and sunglasses. What does your father think of the watch? He doesn’t mind it. 别扇 了,下次我一定考好! B2 Learning Aims: Talk about likes and dislikes. Learning Directions: How to fill in the chart. What’s Cool? by Maria Lee This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them about each thing.Some of their answers were interesting! Here are their likes and dislikes:Jack Smith likes the k


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