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合资合作与创新发展 ——福建汽车集团从闽台合资合作 走向国际合资合作的思考 Cooperation and Innovative Development ---FJMG’s step forward from Fujian-Taiwan cooperation to international cooperation 福建省汽车工业集团公司董事长 凌玉章 Ling Yuzhang, Chairman of Fujian Motor Industry Group Co 2006年6月26日 于北京 June 26, 2006 Beijing 一、合资,开创了中国汽车工业辉煌的时代 I. The establishment of joint ventures marked an epoch in China’s motor industry   迎着改革开放的春天,中国汽车业打破闭关自守,取得了空前的发展和繁荣。 With the Reform and Opening-up of China, China’s motor industry has ended the history of self-seclusion and achieved unprecedented progress and prosperity.     ●产销量大幅增长 :改革开放初期,全国轿车一年的销售量仅有5000台(1978年约2600台,1980年5418台),还不如国际汽车大企业一天的产量;而2005年中国汽车销量达到576万台,仅次于美国、日本,汽车开始走入千家万户,其中轿车销量达279万台。 ● Big-range increase in production and sales: At the early stage of China’s Reform and Opening-up, annual sales of cars around the country were merely 5,000 units (about 2,600 units in the year 1978 and 5,418 units in 1980), less than the daily output of a single multinational automobile company; whereas by the year 2005 the annual automobile sales in China had reached 5.76 million units (next only to the USA and Japan), among which 2.79 million units were passenger cars. Automobiles have been owned by tens of thousands of households.    ●老百姓得到实惠。在等待了半个世纪后,中国的老百姓开始享受到了汽车文明带来的快捷与便利。 ● Tangible benefits to the Chinese people: The Chinese people started to enjoy the speed and facility brought about by automobiles after half a century’s development of motor industry in China.    ●对产业发展作出贡献。中国汽车合资时代催生了中国汽车产业成熟,实现了20年的跨越式发展,也为中国汽车的自主创新时代的到来创造了条件。客观地看待中国汽车产业的发展历程,合资合作是中国汽车产业发展阶段的一个必然选择,1994年国家出台的汽车产业政策引导、推动了汽车产业的快速发展,作出了历史性的贡献。 ● Contributions to industrial progress: In the joint-venture epoch of China’s motor industry the maturity of the industry was accelerated, which has brought about a great leap-forward over the past 20 years, and made preparations for the next epoch of independent innovation. From an objective point of view, joint venture/coop


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