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2001 3 No.3, 2001 (126 ) POPULATION ECONOMICS (Tot.No.126) : 孔令锋 ( , 300071) :人口与经济问题是人类社会长期关注的问题之一, 也是人口经济学最重要的研究内容。本 对自马尔萨斯人口理论建立以来的有代表性的人口经济理论进行了回顾, 这些理论主要包括: 马尔萨斯人口论与悲观主义人口经济理论;长期停滞论和乐观主义人口经济理论;低水平均衡陷 井论和临界最小努力命题;适度人口论与可持续发展理论;以及人力资本论与新增长理论。在此 基础上, 对人口经济理论演进的特点进行了总结:研究内容与不同时代所面临的主要社会经济问 题紧密相关;研究领域日益宽泛;研究视野从发达国家扩展到发展中国家乃至全球范围;研究方法 和研究思路的进步与完善。 :人口;经济;认识 :C92-05  :A  :1000-4149(2001)03-0015-07 Population and Economy:Knowledge from History to Reality KONG Ling-feng (Instit te of Pop lation and Development Research,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071) Abstract :The problem of pop lation and economy is one of the long-term problems noticed by h man so- ciety and is the most important research contents of pop lation economics.This paper has reviewed the typical theories of pop lation economics since Malth s.Those theories incl de:Malth sianism,the pessi- mistic pop lation economic theory,the theory of long-term stagnation, the optimistic pop lation economic theory, low-level eq ilibri m trap theory, critical minim m-effort topic, optim m pop lation theory, s s- tainable development theory,h man capital theory and Neo-growth theory.The characteristics of pop lation economic theories can be s mmarized as follows:The research contents are close related with the social and economic problems of the time.The research fields are increasingly extensive.The research view has been expanded from developed co ntries to developing co ntries and even to global sphere.The research method and cl es have progressed and become more perfect. Keywords:pop lation;economy;knowledge :2000-03-06 :(1969-), , , 。



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