grade 9 unit 5 Section A 1(人教版).ppt

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grade 9 unit 5 Section A 1(人教版)

1. To listen and talk about what products are made of and where they were made. Is it made of silver? Yes, and it was made in Thailand and it is made by Jack Green. 2. To understand the passive voice with present tense. This pair of chopsticks are made of bamboo. This coin is made of silver. --Is this blouse made of cotton? --No, it isn’t. It’s made of silk. These coins are made of silver. --What’s the book made from? --It is made from bamboo. --What’s the ring made of? --It’s made of gold. --Who is it made by? --It is made by Lily. --Where’s the ring made in? --It’s made in Hongkong. chopsticks window coin stamp fork blouse a. wood b. gold c. silver e. paper f. silk g. glass Things Materials What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible. 1a Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. Things Made of Made in shirts cotton Korea chopsticks silver Thailand ring steel America 1b Listen again. Write short answers to the questions. 2b 1. Where is the art and science fair? _________________________ 2. Do Nick and Marcus have to pay(付费) to go? _____________________________ 3. What is the model plane made of? _________________________ 4. What is the painting made from? __________________________ Outside the science museum. No. Their school is paying for it. Used wood and glass. Grass, leaves and flowers. 2d Liu Jun and Pam are talking about Chinese tea. Watch and read. Then finish the 2 tasks below. Role-play Task 1 Read the conversation and answer the questions. Which country is famous for tea? China is famous for tea. 2. Where is tea produced in China? It is produced in many different areas. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. 3. How are tea leaves picked? They are picked by hand. 4. Where is tea sent? The tea is sent to many different countries and places around China. 5. W


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