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PAGE II 现代钻井取芯技术 摘 要 定向井取心(也称斜井取心)是最近几年发展起来的一种新的取心技术,它随着斜井钻井技术的发展而发展,仅胜利油田每年就钻几百口斜井。定向井(或斜井)取心时其工具随着井眼的轨迹而倾斜,取心工具的岩心内筒因受重力作用而下垂,与取心工具的外筒内壁相接触。因而在取心钻进时,取心工具外筒带动岩心内筒一起旋转。为了避免出现这一问题,胜利油田管理局钻井工艺研究院研制了一种D-8100型定向井取心工具。1998年在渤海湾油田试验成功,并先后在10多口井上使用,均取得良好效果。在松软地层定向取心自锁式取心工具便无法使用,通过现场几口井的实践和对加压机构钢球就位情况实验分析说明,及取心工具在斜井中受力分析,证明机械加压式取心工具在大井斜定向井进行取心作业是可行的。 关键词:实践应用;工艺技术;技术分析 Coring technology in modern drilling Abstract Directional coring (also known as well coring) is a new kind of coring technology developed in recent years, it is developed with the development of drilling technology of inclined shaft and each year, only hundreds of Shengli Oilfield Drilling inclined wells. Directional well (or slope) when coring tools with the wellbore trajectory and tilt, coring tool core tube due to gravity and drooping, contact with the inner wall of the outer cylinder coring tool. Thus in the coring drilling, coring tool outer cylinder drives the core inner barrel rotate together. To avoid this problem, the Drilling Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield Administration Bureau developed a kind of D-8100 type directional coring tool. 1998 in the Gulf of Bohai oil field trials are successful, and has been used in 10 wells, good effect has been achieved. Coring self-locking in soft formation directional coring tool cannot be used, through the practice of several wells and the pressure test mechanism of steel ball positioning analysis, and coring tool in deviated wells stress analysis, prove the mechanical pressure coring tools are in large oblique directional coring operation is feasible. Keywords: The practice application; Technology; Technical analysis PAGE IV 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc365324096" 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc365324096 \h I HYPERLINK \l "_Toc365324097" Abstract PAGEREF _Toc365324097 \h II HYPERLINK \l "_Toc365324098" 目 录 Ⅲ HYPERLINK \l "_Toc365324099" 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc365324099 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc365324100" 1.1 研究的目的和意义 PAGEREF _Toc365324


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