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* Martial arts film romantic film thriller comedy Adventure film Comedy is a/an ____ and _____film, which makes people____. funny/amusing/laugh Romantic film is a movie in which _____________. fall/be in love Thriller is a type of movie that tells a/an_______ story, especially about something ________ like a crime(犯罪), in which criminal(罪犯) will use____ and_____ to kill someone. frightening/dangerous/exciting/gun/sword Adventure film is a movie in which the character will have a/an _____, _____ and_______ experience. He will use _____and _____ to _____for his dream. unusual/exciting/dangerous /amusing/sword/gun/fight Martial arts film is a movie that is related to ______ and ________ in which the hero will use his ______to fight for justice(正义). war/fight/sword Other types of films Cartoon film Musicals War film Horror film 恐怖片 Science fiction film 科幻片 Word Guessing 每组选出一位同学背对屏幕(guesser),剩下的同学站成一排面对屏幕(describer),在规定的时间内(如5分钟),describers依次轮流对屏幕上的词进行形容,guesser根据描述猜出词语。 PS: 1)可以无限pass 2)describers的描述不能出现屏幕上词语中的单词 TYPES OF FILMS Vocabulary action film adventure film animated film biography (biopic) cartoons comedy documentary film drama horror film romance / love story musical romantic comedy science fiction film thriller war film western film disaster film 1. Words about movies 好莱坞大片 文艺片 音乐片 无声电影 Hollywood?blockbuster literary?film musicals silent?film 宽银幕??wide-screen 预告片trailer 首映式premiere 恐怖片horror?movie 卡通片cartoon????? 喜剧comedy 悲剧tragedy????????? 情景喜剧situation?comedy/sitcom 西部片western?movie??? 科幻片science?fiction?movie 惊险片thriller?????????? 战争片war?movie 武侠片swordsmen?film /?martial?arts?film 侦探片detective?film 伦理片ethical?film??????? 爱情片romance 成人电影adult?film 禁映影片banned?film? 闹剧?farce 灾难片?disaster?film????? Related Information II. 导演director????????????? 制片主任producer 发行人distributor??????? 脚本作者scriptwriter? 摄影师photographer


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