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精品 1.4RP载重子午线汽车轮胎优化设计与加工工艺研究 学生姓名: 指导老师: 浙江科技学院 摘 要 随着公路建设和汽车工业的不断发展,对轮胎使用性能的要求越来越高。原来生产的1.4PR载重汽车轮胎由于花纹结构陈旧,并时有肩空和胎圈磨损等质量问题,已经不能适应市场需求。为此,在对市场调研后,对1.4PR载重子午线轮胎进行了优化设计和加工工艺研究。 本文主要通过对子午线轮胎结构特点的分析,并探讨了轮胎结构与轮胎特性方面的关系,还有轮胎结构参数和车辆特性的关系。然后根据分析的结果对轮胎的带束层,胎圈,胎体和胎冠进行了结构的优化设计。并用三维设计软件进行三维建模。最后对轮胎的加工工艺进行研究,并制作加工工艺卡。 关键字:汽车轮胎 子午线 优化设计 加工工艺 1.4RP radial heavy-duty tire structural design and machining technics research Student: feng wang Advisor: xiaojuan liang School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Abstract With the road construction and automobile industry continues to develop, the tire performance requirements are high. The original truck tire production 1.4PR structure as the old pattern, and when the shoulder and bead wear air quality problems, has been unable to meet market demand. To this end, after market research, we design and processing of the 1.4PR radial truck tire . In this paper, by analyzing the characteristics of radial tire structure and the structure of the tire and tire properties relationships, as well as tire structure parameters and the relationship between vehicle characteristics. Then the results of the analysis of tire belt, bead, carcass and tire crown The structure of the optimal design. Use three-dimensional design software to do three-dimensional modeling. Finally, to make the tire processing technology research and production of processing card. Keyword: Car tire Meridian Optimization Fertigungsplanung 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963725 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc263963725 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963726 1.1汽车轮胎的发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc263963726 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963727 1.2子午线轮胎的构造及特性 PAGEREF _Toc263963727 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963728 1.3课题的提出 PAGEREF _Toc263963728 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963729 1.4本文完成的工作 PAGEREF _Toc263963729 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963730 第二章 轮胎的优化设计 PAGEREF _Toc263963730 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263963731 2.1子午线轮胎的结构特点 PAGERE



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