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精品 本科毕业论文 题目 ERP顾问服务质量和系统满意度的关系研究 学 院: 管理学院 专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 二○一一年六月 精品 摘  要 随着信息时代的到来,企业管理越来越依赖于信息化系统。以企业资源计划(ERP)为代表的新的管理思想首先在制造业中兴起,并迅速扩展到各行各业中。ERP现在作为企业管理的信息化平台,支撑着整个公司的运作。但在目前ERP项目的客户满意度低下的状况下,如何提高客户的系统满意度,ERP咨询顾问的服务质量和系统满意度之间的关系是怎么样的,成为当前研究领域中一个重要的研究课题。 本文在回顾了国内外大量顾问服务质量和系统满意度关系的相关文献的基础上,引入了客户细分的方式将客户分成:高层、中层和基层。这是根据不同层级之间的核心关注点不同,来分析研究各层级系统满意度和ERP顾问服务质量的关系。本文使用假设检验的方法,通过对上海房地产市场信息的获取和分析,研究现阶段上海房地产系统满意度和ERP顾问的服务质量。 在研究的基础上,我们得到在ERP项目的客户满意度中公司的需求会显著的影响客户对顾问服务能力的要求,并且随着ERP在企业应用领域的不断拓展,ERP顾问的客户意识对服务质量的影响也在越强烈。而且在ERP项目中客户的参与将会大大增加顾问与客户之间的合作和相互的理解,促使ERP项目的顺利进行。 关键词: ERP咨询服务; 服务质量; 系统满意度 Abstract With the arrival of the information age, Enterprise management rely more and more on information system, To enterprise resource planning (ERP) as a representative of the new management thoughts first in manufacturing rise, And rapidly expanded to the professions. ERP now as enterprise management information platform, and Support the whole the operations of the company But as the ERP project customer satisfaction low status, How to improve customer system satisfaction, ERP consultant service capacity and system satisfaction relationship, Become the current research field a very important subject. This paper reviewed lots of advisers in the service quality and System based on the relation of satisfaction. Introduces customer segmentation methods should be divided into: high, middle, customers and grassroots. According to different levels of different concerns, To analyze each hierarchy system satisfaction and ERP consultant service quality relationship, Studying on the Shanghai real estate system satisfaction and ERP advisory service quality. On the basis of the study, we get customer satisfaction in demand will significantly affect the ability of the consultancy service customer requirements And with ERP in the expanding of the enterprise application field, ERP consultant customer awareness of the quality of service in increasingly s



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