fabrication of continuously porous alumina body by fibrous连续多孔氧化铝纤维的制备.pdf

fabrication of continuously porous alumina body by fibrous连续多孔氧化铝纤维的制备.pdf

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fabrication of continuously porous alumina body by fibrous连续多孔氧化铝纤维的制备

Materials Transactions, Vol. 44, No. 9 (2003) pp. 1851 to 1856 #2003 The Japan Institute of Metals Fabrication of Continuously Porous Alumina Body by Fibrous Monolithic and Sintering Process 1 1 2 1;* Taek-Soo Kim , In-Cheol Kang , Takashi Goto and Byong-Taek Lee 1Chungnam Research Center for Nano Materials and School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University, 182 Shinkwan-dong, Kongju, Chungnam 314-701, Korea 2Institute for Material, Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan A continuously porous alumina sintered body was successfully fabricated using by the fibrous monolithic process, in which carbon and flour were used as a pore forming agent. An equation was driven for anticipating the microstructural change during extrusion as a function of the extrusion ratio, and it was identified that the resultant microstructure obtained from using the fibrous monolithic process agreed well with the calculated size using the equation. The third passed and sintered alumina body includes continuous pores of about 42.5 mm in diameter at an intended direction, while the second one consists of 228 mm. Fine pores were also found to form along the alumina surfaces with 0.1–10 mm in diameter. There was no shape change during binder burning out and sintering processes. (Received June 13, 2003; Accepted July 30, 2003) Keywords: porous alumna, fibrous monolithic process, microstucture 1. Introduction forming agent without deteriorating the mechanical proper- ties.11) Porous ceramics with pores of about 3 nm-15 mm in diameter have been developed for environmental use such 2. Experimental Procedures as filters, membranes, etc.1) The


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