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1. Her friend sent her a gift yesterday. A gift ___ ___ ___her yesterday by her friend. She____ ____ a gift yesterday by her friend. was sent to was sent 2. My father bought me a new bike. A new bike ____ _____ ___me by my father. I ___ _____a new bike by my father. was bought for was bought . * 1 in the corner (of…): 在里面的拐角处,三角行内的角 eg屋面的拐角处有一张桌子 There is a table in the corner of the house 2 on the corner(of…): 在拐角之上。 eg在桌子角上放着个杯子 There is a cup on the corner of the table 3 at he corner(of…): 在拐角外面,三角行的外角 Eg 请在前面的拐角处左拐 Please turn left at the corner of the house. in the corner at the corner . * 1 cost 主语是物,花费钱 The book cost me ten yuan. 2 spend 主语是人 ,花费钱或时间 spend …(in) doing spend … on sth. take 主语是it ,花费时间 It takes sb. some time to do sth 4 pay 主语是人,付钱 pay …for … 除了…之外 accept (不包括在内) in addition to (包括在内) . * 1 “许多” a lot of = lots of + 名词,两可修 “许多” many +[c] much [u] “一些” some (肯定句) any(否定句和疑问句) “ 非常,经常” a lot = very much 放在V 动词后 “很,非常” very = quite + adj. / adv. I like it very much. It’s very big. 2 a bit of = a little + [u] “一些” a few + [c] “一些” a bit = a little =kind of + adj / adv “有点” not at all 一点也不 3 so /too much +[u] 这么多/太多 so / too many +[c] 这么多/太多 much too + adj. 实在太 . * 介词 除了 1 besides 除了……以外还有,包括在内 Besides?Mr. Wang,we?also?went?to?see?the?film. (王先生也去了) 2 except 只有……除外, 不包括在内 We?all?went?to?see?the?film?except?Mr. Wang. (王先生没去) 3 except?for 除了…(美中不足) The composition is great except the writing 1 beside prep. 在…旁边 besides prep. 除了… 2 include v 包括 including prep 包括 . * put …up 张贴,挂起 put it up on the wall put …on 穿上 put …away 收拾好 put it up on the wall of my bedroom 把它贴在我卧室的墙上 in the childhood在


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