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Good morning The group leader:HaYoufang Team members:FengDandan,Wangjing,MaFang If only 如果能再爱一次 Foreword If only is a moving love story about a pretty girl and a handsome boy. Though it leaves us a sad ending , it moved me deeply…… Brief plot Ian Wyndham (伊恩), the protagonist of the Story, is a very busy business man. Samantha(莎曼塔), a talented American studying music in London. Samantha is in love with her boyfriend, unfortunately he doesn’t pay any attention to her. She is a musical student and aspiring(有抱负的) singer. Ian is wrapped up in his job and is taking her “for granted”. A twist of fate occurs and makes him realize what he has. After his impetuous (冲动的)musician girlfriend, Samantha, dies in an accident shortly after they had a fight (and nearly broke up), a grief-stricken British businessman, Ian Wyndham, living in London gets a chance to relive the day all over again, in the hope of changing the events that led up to her getting killed. Ian and his girlfriend manta, like any ordinary couple, busy with his own life every day, very little time to be alone. After a quarrel, sorry to Ian hesitated to dont on the taxi, because the hesitation girlfriend choose to leave. Less than a minute, taxi collided with a truck in front block, girlfriends crater of a woman. Grief Ian wake up the next morning found back to the previous day, his girlfriend safe and sound, all in accordance with the established development steps. If again, Ian cant think of become a reality. He put down all the business, and his girlfriend hiking, walking, talking to each other, love touching. To the determinant of the night, the killing of the taxi, he did not hesitate to get in the car, and when a deadly blow to stoop and protect her. If we can love again, he will use life to love The last dialog(最后的对白) I have to tell you this and you need to hear it.I ha


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