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Classified Index: H319.9 U.D.C.: 371.315 Graduation Thesis for the M. A. Degree A Correlational Study on College EFL Learners’ English Learning Motivation and Spoken English Proficiency Candidate: Ji Weiwei Supervisor: Prof. Zhou Zhinan Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Specialty: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Affiliation: College of Foreign Languages Date of Defence: July 5, 2007 Degree Conferring Institution : Harbin Institute of Technology HIT Graduation HIT Graduation Thesis for the MA Degree -I- -I- 摘要 中国大学生的英语口语水平低下,已成为困扰众多英语教学者和英语研 究者的一大难题。本文从大学生英语学习动机的角度,研究分析了口语水平 低下的原因。 本文定量地研究了大学 EFL 学习者英语学习动机与英语口语水平的关 系。研究以问卷的形式调查了 32 名受试者的外语学习动机类型和强度。采用 社会学数据包(SPSS 14.0)分析收集到的数据,运用描述性数据确定了学生 学习动机的类型和强度,并运用皮尔逊相关性指数测量了英语口语水平和英 语学习动机(包括动机类型和动机强度)的关系。 研究结果表明:(1)在动机类型方面,大学生的工具型动机强于文化型 动机与学习情景动机,(2)文化型动机与英语口语水平有相关性显著,(3)学 生的个人信息(性别、家庭背景)与其英语学习动机显著相关。 研究结果更加明晰了大学生英语学习动机的特点及大学生英语学习动机 与英语口语水平的相关性,进而得出如何从提高英语学习动机方面来促进英 语口语学习与教学的有价值的推论。结果显示学生非常重视课堂质量,高质 量的课堂可以激发学生的文化型动机(主要成分为内在兴趣),培养学生英语 口语学习兴趣, 因此,有趣的富于吸引力的课堂备受期待。 关键词 动机类型,动机强度,哑巴英语,英语口语水平 -II- -II- Abstract Chinese college students’ low spoken English proficiency has become a major problem puzzling many English teachers and researchers. This thesis analyzes the reasons from the respect of college students’ English learning motivation. This thesis is a quantitative study on the correlation between college EFL learners’ English learning motivation and their spoken English proficiency. A questionnaire is used to investigate the motivation types and intensity of 32 subjects. SPSS is employed to analyze the data collected. Descriptive statistics is used to measure the students’ motivation types and intensity. Pearson correlation is analyzed to see how strong the correlation between spoken English proficiency and motivation, including types and intensity is. The result shows that: (1) in motivation types, college students have stronger instrumental motivation than cultural motivation and learning setting motiv



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