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I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the people who have helped me and encouraged me with my study and the completion of this thesis during my 3-year study in Soochow University.
Firstly, special gratitude goes to my supervisor, Professor Sun Yina, who has given me insightful instructions and valuable suggestions through my MA study. I am extremely grateful for her patience, her encouragement, and the countless hours she spent in helping me revising my paper. I would not have accomplished this thesis without her help and suggestions.
Secondly, I am also very grateful to all the professors and teachers in School of Foreign Languages at Soochow University who have inspired me with their diligence, their creativity, and their willingness to help, particularly Professor Jia Guanjie, Professor Gao Yongchen, Dr. Wang Yu, and Dr. Wang Haizhen for their valuable suggestions, inspirational teaching and great encouragement.
Thirdly, I would like to express my gratitude to my classmates and students who have helped me collect and work with the data in this study. I also appreciate the participation of all the students in this study. Without their cooperation, I would not have finished this thesis successfully.
Finally, I would also like to express my thankfulness to my family, for their spiritual and financial support in my study. I could not have made it without their continual encouragement, endless support and abundant love.
Tang XW
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