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摘 要 近年来,随着经济与社会的变化与发展带来的各领域知识与内容的爆炸式增长,如 何在既有制度框架下依托多学科、多角度分析和解决不断出现的新兴问题,成为学术界 的研究焦点。法学领域亦是如此,伴随着市场经济的深入发展,各类社会问题、法律问 题不断涌现,如何建立并不断完善社会主义法律体系,最大限度实现法律运行的实效, 解决社会问题,实现和谐法治,是摆在法学界面前的重要课题。作为实体法实施辅助工 具的诉讼程序法及其价值准则对实体法的运行实效起着至关重要的作用,因此有必要探 讨刑事诉讼法这一程序法的基本价值取向,以进一步构建和完善相关制度。这一分析过 程在理论界多以法学视角进行分析,较欠缺多角度研究。然而评价一部法律运行的全过 程不仅是法学理论的运作过程,更重要的是其经济效益、社会效益的实现与否,仅用法 律视角看待法律往往会产生认识误区。在我国司法制度改革逐步深化的大环境下,多角 度,特别是经济角度考量已成为分析法律制定与运行的重要方式。本文意在从法经济学 视角分析,通过法经济学分析方法和理念,以透视刑事诉讼法价值取向这一基本问题, 论证多元化的刑事诉讼价值各方面的平衡与选择,同时提出刑事诉讼法相关制度进一步 改革的方向。 关键词 法经济学 成本—收益 诉讼效益 博弈 效率 Abstract In recent years, with the economic and social changes and the development of domain knowledge and the content of the explosive type growth, How the existing system frame based on multidisciplinary, multi-angle analysis and solving the new problem, become the focus of academic circles Law domain also is such, along with the deepening of market economic development, various social problems, legal problems are constantly emerging, how to establish and improve the socialist legal system, to maximize the realization of legal effectiveness of running, solve social problems, realize the harmonious rule of law, is placed in the interface before the important subject. As the entity law implementation tool of procedural law and substantive law value standards on operation effect plays a vital role, therefore it is necessary to explore the law of criminal procedure this procedure law basic value orientation, to further construct and perfect relevant system. This analysis process in the theory circles to the perspective of law to carry on the analysis, a lack of study. However, evaluate a law to run the whole process is not only the legal theory of the operation process, more important is its economic benefits, social benefits and achieve, only legal view of law tend to produce misunderstanding. In Chinas judicial system reform gradually deepening of the environment, much angle, especially the economic perspective analysis of the legal


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