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摘 要 摘 要 村民自治是中国农村治理范式的转变,是农民从追求平等到自主治理政治要 求的体现。但是,由于宪法和法律在确定村民自治形式时是以规定村民委员会的 职责为核心,对村民自治主体、自治权的范围、自治组织侵犯村民自治权和行政 权侵蚀村民自治权的法律责任等皆未做明确的规定,这导致了村民自治在实践中 未能规范化和依制度化运作,从而导致村民自治权被虚置,并且成为村民自治建 设中一个突出的问题。为了解决这些问题,就要从法律角度对村民行使自治权过 程中存在的问题进行探讨,分析村民自治权失落的原因,进而从自治主体、自治 组织和权利救济三个方面解决问题。本文第一章通过对中国乡村自治的历史考 察,提出村民自治是中国乡村治理范式的转变的观点。第二章分析了自治理论的 发展和分类,认为村民自治属于一种社会自治,村民自治权是村民的自治权利。 第三章是从村民自治主体在行使自治权过程中主要存在的三个法律问题进行论 述,认为产生村民自治权失落的原因在于:一是村民自治主体法律规定不明确, 法律身份难以确定,从而使村民自治主体异化为村委会或某些人;二是由于自治 组织角色错位,制度设置中自治组织职责不清,法律地位不明确,使自治组织违 背了本身的职责所在;三是对侵犯村民自治权行为的法律救济机制不够完善。最 后一章,笔者从理论和实践上分析了解决问题的对策,并提出了利用现有的农村 土地承包仲裁作为对村民自治权进行救济的一种新思路。 关 键 词:村民;自治权;法律分析 Abstract Abstract Villager autonomy is an administrant method in Chinese village. It embodies the villagers’ requirements of equity and self-government. Whereas, the form of villager autonomy provided in the Constitution and other relevant laws is nothing but the functions of villager committee. That is, such contents as the subject, scope and legal relief in case of the trespass on the villager autonomy are not legally specified, which results in the non-standardization and non-systemization in the practice of the villager autonomy. Under such circumstances, the villager autonomy right has been weak and thus become an apparent issue in the progress of the villager autonomy. To solve these problems, we shall research on the issues appearing in the practice of the villager autonomy, analyze the reasons for the loss of the villager autonomy and thus settle the problems through the autonomy subject, autonomy organization and legal relief. In this article, the first Chapter, through the historical review on Chinese villager autonomy, I analyze the view that villager autonomy is an administrant method in Chinese village government. The second chapter, I discuss the source and development of the autonomy theory and the classification of the Villager Autonomy, and come the conclussion that villager autonomy is socia self-government and right of villager,but n



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