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曲阜 曲阜师范大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 泛函方程的稳定性问题来源于S.Ulam在1940年提出的关于群同态的稳定性问题. 其主要研究的是当一个函数近似的满足一个给定方程时, 这个函数是否与原方程的解 很接近. 在1941年, Hyers 解决了巴拿赫空间上的可加映射的稳定性问题. 在1978年, Mas- sias解决了线性映射在巴拿赫空间的稳定性问题. 由于其成果在随机分析、金融数学等 领域的广泛应用, 对各种方程稳定性问题的研究已成为泛函方程领域中的典型课题之 一. 根据内容本文分为以下三章: 第一章考虑用不动点定理在随机三元巴拿赫代数上研究三元二次泛函方程 ? (? ? ?) + ? (? ? ?) + ? (? ? ?) + ? (? + ? + ?) = 3(? (?) + ? (?) + ? (?)) 导子的稳定性. 第二章着重考虑广义Euler-Lagrange-Jensen型可加函数方程 ? ( ) = ∑? ? ? (? )∑? ???? ? ( ) = ∑? ? ? (? ) ? 1≤??≤? ? ? ? ?=1 其中?1, ..., ?? ∈ R和?是固定的非零整数, 在巴拿赫*代数上的*同态和*导子的Hyers-Ulam稳 定性. 第三章考虑在矩阵赋范空间上研究混合型泛函方程 ? (? + 2?) + ? (? ? 2?) + ? (? + ?) + ? (? ? ?) ? 4? (2?) + 6? (?) ? ? (2?) = 0 的解及其稳定性. 关键词:Hyers-Ulam稳定性; 随机赋范空间; 可加映射; 二次映射; 导子; 同态; 不动点 定理. i Abstract The stability problem of functional equations originated from a question of Ulam concerning the stability of group homomorphisms in 1940. The main purpose is to study a function is close to the exact solution of the original functional equation or not when this function approximately satisfies a given functional equation. In 1941, Hyers solved the stability problem of the additive mapping on Banach spaces. In 1978, Rassias solved the stability problem of linear mapping on Banach spaces. Because of its application in some related field such as random analysis,financial mathematics and so on, the study on the stability of various functional equations has become one of classical subjects in the field of functional equations. This paper consists of three chapters. In chapter one,we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of ternary quadratic deriva- tions on Random ternary Banach algebras associated with the following functional equation ? (? ? ?) + ? (? ? ?) + ? (? ? ?) + ? (? + ? + ?) = 3(? (?) + ? (?) + ? (?)) by using the fixed point theorem. In chapter two, we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of *-homomorphisms and *-derivations of the following function equation ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? 1 ∑? ? ( ? ? ? ? ) = ∑? ? ? (? ) ? 1≤??≤? in Banach *- algebras. ? ? ?


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