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摘要 摘 要 I I 摘 要 痕量元素汞是一种极易挥发的重金属元素,在科技发展的今天, 燃煤电站 汞排放是最大的人为大气汞污染源,使得汞污染问题日益严重。原煤燃烧释放 的汞一部分被飞灰吸附形成颗粒汞,并在燃煤电站现有污染控制设备除尘系统 脱除。但是除尘系统脱除下来的飞灰还要经过二次利用,并且在二次利用过程 中一般需要经过热处理,吸附到飞灰中的颗粒汞在热处理过程中会进行二次释 放进而对环境造成污染。吸附到飞灰中的颗粒汞具有不同的化合物形态,不同 形态的颗粒汞具有不同的热稳定性,因此,对飞灰颗粒汞形态及热稳定性进行 研究对指导电站锅炉飞灰再利用具有重要的指导意义。 本文分析了两种具有代表性的飞灰样品,对飞灰样品进行了两种不同模式 的热处理,并对其微观形貌、化学成分等进行了分析,得出了粒径及过量空气 系数对颗粒汞形态及热稳定性的影响以及 ESP 电场对颗粒汞形态及热稳定性的 影响。 通过分析飞灰中元素分布的规律,得出了粒径及过量空气系数对飞灰元素 分布的影响,进而得到了飞灰元素分布对颗粒汞分布的影响。 此外,由于目前关于灰颗粒中 Hg 在加热条件下释放动力学参数的研究十分 缺乏,本文还对加热过程灰颗粒中 Hg 释放的反应动力学参数进行了计算,得出 其活化能 E,指前因子 A 及反应机理函数 f (??) 。 关键词:颗粒汞;飞灰;形态;热稳定性;动力学参数 华北电力大学硕士论文 华北电力大学硕士论文 II II Abstract Mercury is a kind of heavy metal element with high volatility . Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the Hg released from coal in power plant is the biggest artificial atmospheric pollution source of Hg, bringing seriously negative influence day by day. The Hg released from raw coal burning is partly absorbed by fly ash to further generate particulate mercury, and removed from the existing pollution-control device in coal-fired power plant. However, the fly ash removed from pollution-control device can still be used for the second time, during the process of secondary use the fly ash should undergo heat treatment, and then just in this process the particulate mercury will be released out secondarily to cause environment pollution. The particulate mercury absorbed in fly ash has different kinds of compound forms and has different thermal stability with different forms, so the research for forms of particulate mercury and thermal stability has a guiding significance on the reuse of fly ash in power plant boilers. This paper analysed two representative kinds of fly ash samples and analysed microstructure and chemical components after heat treatment, and then demonstrated the influence of particle sizes and excess air coefficient on forms of particulate mercury and thermal stability as well as the influence of ESP on forms of particu



peili2018 + 关注


