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聊城大学专业硕士学位论文 力矩(PT)均低于右膝关节(p0.01),并且膝关节肌群肌力缺失最为严重,缺失百分 数超过正常水平(10%)。说明大学生身体力量素质存在明显的优势侧和非优势侧。 3.城市与农村大学生的力量测试结果不存在较大差异,其中背肌力、腿肌力差别最小, 握力差别较为明显,这可能与农村及城市大学生3年的高中封闭式教育有较大的关系。 结论:1.大学生男生背肌力与身体力量素质的有效性最高,其次为腿肌力和引体向上, 握力有效性最低,但是背肌力的测试比较困难,很难在大范围的身体素质检测中使用, 因此建议采用引体向上来反映大学男生的上肢力量素质,通过上下肢测试结合的方式 评定大学男生的力量素质。2.大学生男生身体肌肉力量存在优势侧和非优势测,尤其 是膝关节,肌群肌力的缺失会导致大学生在剧烈运动过程种出现诸如疼痛、肿胀甚至 关节错位。因此,通过锻炼来提高大学生弱势侧肌肉的力量不仅可以提高大学男生的 运动能力,还可以有效的预防运动损伤。3.此次实验还发现,部分大学生背肌力与正 常值相比,存在一定的差距,在测试结束后,存在腰部不适,因此,有必要合理增加 背部肌肉力量的训练,正常的背肌力水平能有效减少大学生下腰痛发病率,能预防下 腰背疼痛,减少骨裂与肌肉骨骼受伤的机会。 关键词:大学男生 力量素质 等速肌力 屈伸肌比率 iv 聊城大学专业硕士学位论文 聊城大学专业硕士学位论文 PAGE PAGE vi ABSTRACT Power quality is one of the important indexes for monitoring and evaluation of constitution of college students, the test method is also in constant improvement. 2007 ~ 2012 years, our country adopts the grip body mass index to reflect their muscle strength of upper limbs, and in 2013 changed to the pull-up. The grip BMI is associated with two factors, one is the maximum grip strength is beneficial to the subjects of value, another is the subjects weight. The grip and the subjects of life, work habits have a great relationship, and obesity will directly influence the test results, so the use of grip strength quality index as the measure of college students the objectivity may not back strength, chin up, leg muscle strength. Objective: through the test of 17 ~ 18 years of age (university students grade one or two) grip, chin up, back strength and leg muscle strength and muscle strength and isokinetic testing results are analyzed, find out the strength index in a wide range of physical fitness test in detection and evaluation of college students for the better; and through the comparison of the college students knee joint, hip joint muscles superiority side and non dominant side strength analysis, there is deep analysis of college students various joint muscle problems, and provide a theoretical reference for the later students of physical examina



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