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IMUT IMUT Graduation Thesis for the MA Degree I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped and supported me during the course of my study and thesis writing. Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate and express indebtedness to my supervisor, Associate Prof. Li Xia, for her constant assistance, encouragement and patience throughout the thesis-writing process. I could not finish this thesis without her advice that was instrumental in helping me to analyze the experimental data and drawing the conclusions. I am also grateful to all of the teachers who have taught me through the three years of study, from whom I benefit a lot. Their lectures and instruction have inspired me in language teaching and academic research. Many thanks go to my colleagues including Liu Jingshun, Si Qin, Guo Xiaohong, who offered me lots of assistance in the statistical data analysis related to this study and thesis writing skills through the whole process. My thanks also go to the students involved in this thesis. Last but not least, I am so grateful to my family members who offered me considerable support, inspiration and assistance all along in the past three years. 内蒙古 内蒙古工业大学硕士学位论文 II II 摘要 以 Lakoff 为代表的现代派学者从认知语言学的角度考察隐喻这一概念,并认为 隐喻可被看作是人们思维和生活的一种方式及认知工具,且它不仅存在于语言中, 亦存在于思想和行动中。之后的一些学者在认知隐喻理论和实践结合过程中提出了 “隐喻能力”这一概念,并指出:隐喻能力是在语言学习中,习得、产出、理解目 的语中的隐喻的能力,而且将这种能力与 Chomsky 的“语言能力”和 Hymes 的“交 际能力”相提并论。 尽管隐喻能力在实际的语言学习中起着至关重要的作用,但紧紧围绕其开展的 实证研究却相对较晚、研究成果亦相对较少,接受式隐喻能力和英语阅读水平之间 的相关性研究更鲜有报道。因此本研究以现代认知语言学的隐喻理论为基础,采用 实证研究的方法来考察和评价非英语专业学习者自身的接受式隐喻能力和英语阅 读水平间的相互关系,并深入探讨如何培养学习者隐喻能力,及其对大学英语阅读 教学所带来的启示。 研究的具体问题如下:(1)非英语专业学生接受式隐喻能力的现状如何?(2) 接受式隐喻能力和英语阅读水平有一定相关性吗?具有怎样的相关关系?(3)接 受式隐喻能力中的隐喻识别能力和隐喻解释能力分别和英语阅读水平具有怎样的 相关性?隐喻识别能力与隐喻解释能力两者之间具有怎样的相关性? 研究中共有 60 名非英语专业二年级受试者。接受式隐喻能力测试问卷是在国 外学者 Jeanette Littlemore (2001) 和 Masumi Azuma (2005) 已有试卷的基础上改进 而成,受试者参加全国英语四级考试 (CET-4) 所获阅读部分成绩用来衡量英语阅读 水平。利用“统计产品与服务解决方案”统计分析软件 (Statistical Product and Service So



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