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PAGE PAGE IV 摘 要 从上世纪八十年代开始,心理学家就开始对拖延进行研究,然而,拖延进入 国内研究者视野是近些年的事。本研究研究对象来自两所大学的大学生,希望通 过研究,了解当代大学生拖延的基本情况;了解他们发生拖延的原因;了解拖延 与动机自我决定程度之间的关系。 研究分两部分。第一部分为问卷调查研究。研究内容包括: 1.对拖延问卷的修订。调查大学生拖延基本情况。 2. 分析动机自我决定程度与拖延之间的关系。分析能力、自主、归属等三 种基本心理需要与拖延之间的关系。 3. 比较高自我决定组和低自我决定组的拖延情况差异。 研究结果表明: 1 .动机自我决定程度同拖延呈负相关。 2. 基本心理需要与拖延呈负相关。 3. 高自我决定组的拖延分数显著低于低自我决定组。 第二部分为访谈研究。研究选取南京师范大学一名学生作为个案。对她一周 内的计划进行记录,并同实际行为相比较。通过访谈研究,可以得出拖延受到家 庭背景影响,与基本心理需要的满足相关联。 关键词:拖延,动机自我决定,基本心理需要,访谈研究 Abstract Procrastination has come into sight of many psychologists since 1980s, however, the study of procrastination in China is beginning in resent years. In this research, undergraduates from two universities were invested to explore the basic features of university students’ procrastination and the relationship between procrastination and self-determination degree of motivation. The research included two parts. The first part is empirical study which included: Revised Procrastination Assessment Scale-student (PASS) and revealed the basic features of procrastination. Analyzed the relationship between procrastination and self-determination degree of motivation, and the relationship between three different kinds of basic psychology need, namely, the competent need, the autonomy need and the relation need. Compared the degree of procrastination between two groups: high-self-determination group and low- self-determination group. The results indicate that: The self-determination degree of study motivation has negative correlation with procrastination. The satisfaction degree of basic psychology need has negative correlation with procrastination. Three kinds of basic psychology all have negative correlation with procrastination. The high-self-determination group is significant lower than low- self-determination group in the degree of procrastination The second part is interview study. A girl from Nanjing Normal University was selected as the case of the study. Her recent plans in a week were recorded a



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