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Subjunctive Mood 虚 拟 语 气;虚拟语气(if 条件句);虚拟语气(if 条件句)的谓语动词形式 ;虚拟语气(if 条件句)的谓语动词形式;与现在事实相反 If I ______ (be) you, I _______________ (not blame) that disaster on him. If it ______ (rain) this evening, I _________ (go) home by car. He _________ (buy) his wife an expensive car if he had 100,000 dollars. 与过去事实相反 If we ________ (made) enough preparations, we ___________________ (succeed). The girl ________________ (not become) his wife if he (not save)her from drowning. ____;与将来事实可能相反 If he _____ to (leave) tomorrow, he would get there by Friday. = If he ______ leave…/ If he _____ … 如果他再这么做,我们…解雇他。 If he ____ to do that again, we ______ give him the sack. = What ______ he _____ (feed) this cat on if my sister __________ (give) it to him? ;条件从句中连词 if 的省略 were / had / should / could 提前 + 从句主语 If you were in my position, you would do the same. = Were you in my position, you would do the same. If I had time tomorrow , I would come. = Had I time tomorrow, I would come. If he should do that again, we would give him the sack. = Should he do that again, we would give him the sack.; a. Should they attack us, we would struggle against them to the end. =? If… b. Had the river not been poisoned, we would have raised fish in it. =?If… c. Were he to hear of your speech, he would be surprised. =?If… d. Could the dead man have spoken, he would have identified his murderer. =?;混合时间条件句 You wouldn’t be faced with this problem now if you had taken my advice yesterday. 条件句:过去 /主句:现在 If I had spoken to him yesterday, I would / should know what to do now. 条件句:现在 /主句:过去;(1)a. But for / Without your support, we would have plunged into a difficulty. b. This same thing, happening in war time, would have led to distress. (2)a. He would have made a voyage round the world, but he was seriously / severely / very ill


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