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摘 要 近年来大跨径预应力混凝土箱梁桥以其诸多优点得到了广泛应用,在国内 外桥梁中占有很大比例,但是,在已建成的大跨径预应力混凝土桥梁中,箱梁 开裂以及跨中下挠过大现象非常普遍,严重影响了桥梁的正常使用。为此,本 文主要进行了以下研究工作: 1. 对箱梁的受力特点、分析方法以及计算方法作了简要介绍;对温度以及 混凝土收缩徐变对结构的影响作了简要分析。 2. 统计归纳了当前预应力混凝土箱梁中存在的裂缝类型,对各种裂缝的特 点及其产生的原因进行了归纳分析。另外,从设计、施工、材料及使用条件等 多方面,综合分析了箱梁裂缝和长期下挠的原因,并提出了预防及改进措施。 3. 以三股线高架桥加固维修前桥梁检测报告为依据,对本桥存在的主要病 害进行了分析阐述,而后,通过平面及空间有限元分析,对箱梁裂缝和跨中下 挠过大的原因进行了分析研究。 4. 从加固原理及加固特点角度,对桥梁常用的加固技术方法进行了探讨, 并对三股线高架桥加固方案进行了简要分析。 关键词 大跨径预应力混凝土箱梁桥 ;病害分析 ;加固技术 ;裂缝 ;下挠 Abstract In recent years, the long span prestressed concrete box girder bridges have been widely used as they posses many merits, and they have taken great proportion in bridges of domestic and abroad. However, in many constructed long span prestressed concrete bridges, the phenomenon of cracks in box girder and excessive midspan lag of bridges is very common, which have severely influenced the normal work and bearing capacity of bridge. Therefore, in this thesis, the main objects are as fallows: The characteristics and analytical methods of box girder as well as calculation means are introduced. And the influence of temperature as well as the concrete shrinkage and creep is also analysed briefly. After concluding all kinds of cracks in prestressed concrete box girder bridge, the characteristic and cause of cracks are analysed. In addition, the cause of cracks in box girder and long-term deflection of bridge is summarized from aspects of design, construction, material and using conditions, and then the measures which are used to prevent the disease of the bridge are also put forward. According to the report about the crack inspection and load test of Sanguxian bridge before consolidation maintenance, the main defects about the bridge are also discussed. Then through plane and three dimensional finite element analysis, the cause of cracks occured in this box girder and excessive midspan lag of the bridge is analysed. It discusses thoroughly several typical reinforcement technology methods from mechanism and charac


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