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摘 要 媒介的传播环境永远是随着经济、政策、技术等诸多宏观环境因素的不断 变化而变化的,对于在电视产业化政策指引下一步步走上市场化生存道路的省级 卫视来说,只有敏锐地觉察到这种变化并采取相应的对策,才能使自己在媒介竞 争中立于不败之地。 正是基于这一点考虑,本文从分析目前泛媒体时代传媒环境的传播特征及 形成原因入手,指出传媒技术的不断发展、社会阶层的不断分化、持续发展的经 济的推动以及传媒之间的竞争是导致当今泛媒体时代传媒环境形成的重要原因。 面对这一新的传媒环境,电视媒体必须充分认识到自己的媒介优势与不足,及时 调整运营策略,以便适应新的传媒环境的要求,从而实现频道利润的最大化。 针对泛媒体时代媒介传播渠道丰富、但有价值的传播内容相对稀缺这两大 特点,论文分析了当前处在泛媒体时代传媒环境下的省级卫视所面临的媒体竞争 态势,并在此基础上提出了相应的营销策略:第一,在不放弃新闻、娱乐节目和 电视剧这三大支柱性节目类型的前提下,省级卫视必须根据受众的收视心理需 求,准确定位创办理念,树立频道的品牌形象;第二,应充分发挥自己的节目制 作优势,以精品节目为突破口,整合上下游产业链,打造频道的核心竞争力;第 三,借助泛媒体时代传播平台丰富的特点,整合多种传播媒介,积极进行跨媒介 节目传播和多渠道式频道推广,以提升省级卫视的频道价值。 [关键词]:泛媒体 省级卫视 整合营销 Abstract The environment of media broadcasting are always changing while the economys, policys and the echnologys changes, and for the the provincial-level Tv on the way of the market drifting further and further away ,only acutely awaring of these changes and taking corresponding response to the competition can make the provincial-level Tv be in an invincible position in media competition. It is precisely because of taking this in my mind, this article begins from the analysis of the characteristics of the current pan- media time, pointing out that the continuous development of media technologies, social class continue to divide and sustainable development of the economy and competition among the media are important reasons that cause todays pan-media era. Faced with this new environment, Provincial Satellite TV should be fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses of the media and timely adjust its operating strategy to achieve the maximization of profits. Taking the two major characteristics of the time of the pan-media in which media channels are rich but the valuable contents of media are relatively short, Thesis put forward some strategies for Provincial Satellite TV to adapt to this new marketing competition: First, do not give up the news, entertainment programs and TV drama program ,These three are the main source of profit growth, at the same time, the provincial-level TV s



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