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目前,我国的区域电力市场已经进入模拟运行阶段,东北区域的日前市场初 期将采用单一购买者的竞争方式,因此,对于发电商来说,电力无约束市场价格
UMCP) 的预测将具有相当重要的意义。
本文首先采用有序样本聚类分析、日期类型分析、因素分析、动态聚类分析 等方法对全年历史日价格样本进行逐级聚类,使相似的日价格样本被分到了 一 起,较好地解决了预测样本的最优选择问题。
然后在聚类分析结果的基础上,通过多种预测方法比较、模型优化等研究工 作,找到每 一小类的 UMCP 最优预测模型。
在完成上述研究历史数据得到日 UMCP 的最优分类方法和预测模型之后,
采用判别分析法确定待预测日应属于哪一小类,同时也就确定了该日的最佳预测 模型。
研究当中,还对遇到的最优聚类,不同因素分析方法得到不同分析结果的分 析和正确处理,聚类分析中样本距离的不同度量方法造成不同聚类结果的分析 和正确处理,以及预测方法优化等重要问题展开详细的讨论。
通过 UMCP 的预测构造竞价策略,提高经济效益。
关键词: 无约束市场清算价格 CUMCP) 聚类分析 有序样本聚类分 析动态聚类分析因素分析预测
Recently,the regional power market of our country has get into the stage of simulatíothe early time of the day ahead power market of the northeast chína wíll take the competítìon mode of síngle buyer ,thereby,the predictíon of Unconstraíned Market Clear Price(UMCP) ís of great ímportance for the generators.
At first,ordinal clustering analysis,day typeωa1ysís,factor analysís ,dynamíc clusteríng analysìs are used ín the paper to classifY the sample of day of a whole year
step by step,so the similar sample 缸e clustered ínto a genus.ηlìs part solve the problem of the classification of príce mode and the selectíon of sample.
Then,on the basís of the result of above clustering analysís ,by the compare of
some forecast methods and the optímízatíon of forecast models,a better forecast method for UMCP ís brought forward
After the above study of optimal clustering and optímal forecast models wíth hístorícà.1 data,the díscrímínant analysís ís used to solve the problem of the confirmation of the un-forecasted day,and símultaneously,the best forecast model
and sample for the model e found
In the study,a lot of important problems 缸e studíed detailedly : the problem of optìmal c1usteri吨,the analysis and disposal of dífferent result that come from different methods of factor analysis,the analysís and di叩osal of the different clustering resuJt wlùch come 企om the clustering anaIysis when different method for calculating distance
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