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AB ABSTRACT II II ABSTRACT Sensor technology,computer technology and communication technology are the base of modern information science and technology. Sensors are not only the source or sense organ of modern information system, but also the foundation of material and technology which master the exist and development of information society. Sensors are the necessory constituent parts in daily life, production process, scientific experiment, military action. The magnetostrictive displacement sensor has the characteristics of low measurement error, high accuracy, wide measurement range, easy to use and maintenance, and it has many particular advantages in high accuracy displacement measurement. In this dissertation, the comparement is made between magnetostrictive displacement sensor and various conventional displacement sensors, the advantage and disadvantage of different measurement approach are summarized. The principle of magnetostrictive displacement sensor is demonstrated based on the magnetostricty theory, and the sensor structure is designed. The purpose of this dissertation is the hardware and software design of magnetostrictive displacement sensor, get a feasible scheme. The hardware circuits include analog and digital parts. The analog part accomplishs the pulse generator, stimulus, rebound signal check and measure; The digital part is designed for the time and temperature measurement etc., and it is composed of AT89S52 MCU module, TDC-GP1 time measurement module, DS18B20 temperature compensating module, displayment module and interface module. In this dissertation, an arithmetic average digital filter is discussed according to the characteristics of the sensor, the factor impact on the accuracy of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor is analysed and amending approachs are presented. Keywords: magnetostricty, sensor, AT89S52, TDC-GP1 目录 目录 目录 目录 III III IV IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 常用位移传感器及磁致伸缩位移传感器简介 1 1.2 磁致伸缩位移传感器的国内外研究及生产应用现状 4 1.3 磁致伸缩位移传感器的发展趋势 5 1



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