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Abstract Abstract Ⅱ Ⅱ THE ANALYSIS ON THE STRENGTH AND STABILITY OF THE LARGE WELDED DRUMS ABSTRACT With the constant development of the economy of our country and the expansion of foreign trade, the port as the most important hub is becoming large-scale and specialization development gradually. Accordingly, the port crane is becoming large-scale and specialization, the demand for its working performance is higher and higher. The drum has an effect on the work efficiency of the port crane as its key spare part, so, it means higher demand for the design of the drums. But the traditional design method is based on empirical formula, the thickness will be thicker by this method, and its weight will be greater, not only increases the difficulty of processing and manufacturing, but also increases cost. Many companies in order to reduce the difficulty of manufacturing and the cost of production, to take some measures to reduce the thick of the drums, and has obtained the certain effect. But there are lack of unified regulations and no corresponding theoretical basis. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the traditional design method based on the traditional method. This paper puts forward a scientific and reasonable design method that can reduce the thick; it provides the theoretical basis for the designing of drums. This paper based on the forced deformation analysis of the material, combined with elastic-plastic theory , the thin shell theory and basic knowledge of mechanics to study the strength and stability of drums in depth; deduced the calculation formula of critical pressure by energy method; established the model of drums to analysis with finite element software ANSYS. Through the contrast analysis, it provide theoretical basis for the calculation of strength and stability checking. According to the actual stress deformation of drums, this paper established the deformation equation and displacement expression by basic knowledge of Material mechanics. On the basis



peili2018 + 关注


