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摘 要 当今世界各国之间的竞争不仅是综合国力的较量,更是软实力的比拼。中国拥有 五千年的历史文明,优秀传统道德文化是其中的重要组成部分。大学阶段是大学生培 养世界观、人生观和价值观的重要时期,优秀传统道德文化教育对其成长具有重要的 作用和意义,大学生是国家未来建设的接班人,是传承中国优秀道德文化的重要力量。 当代互联网时代的迅速发展,使大学生了解和接受各国文化的渠道日益多样和便捷, 积极借鉴其精华能够对中国文化事业发展起到促进作用,但也应重视对糟粕文化的主 动防御和抵制。 本文通过对长春市四所高校大学生优秀传统道德文化接受状态进行问卷调查,总 结大学生优秀传统道德文化接受状态现状,并针对其存在的问题进行分析,找出制约 大学生优秀传统道德文化接受的因素,提出策略。本论文共包括三个部分。第一章是 相关理论梳理,包括概念界定,论述接受状态及其过程,以及大学生优秀传统道德文 化接受的意义;第二章是大学生优秀传统道德文化接受状态现状及问题分析,论述大 学生优秀传统道德文化接受状态现状,找出其中存在的问题,并对制约大学生优秀传 统道德文化接受的因素进行分析;第三章增强大学生优秀传统道德文化接受程度的策 略探究,主要包括国家社会层面、学校层面、家庭层面和大学生自身层面等。 关键词:大学生 优秀传统道德文化 接受状态 ABSTRACT The world is not only the competition of comprehensive national strength contest,more is the world of the soft power of the competition,China has five thousand years of history of the excellent traditional culture,the excellent moral tradition culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture,college students in the university stage is the world outlook,outlook on life and morality forming an important period. Therefore accept the excellent moral tradition culture of good world outlook,outlook on life and morality plays an important role and significance of their formation. College students are the future development of the cause of the countrys successor,is the heritage of an important force in excellent Chinese moral culture. The rapid development of the Internet age,college students to understand and accept the culture of various countries for reference actively influence,which can promote the outstanding foreign culture of the Chinese cultural industry development,and played a negative role in hindering the dross culture to actively resist. through four universities in Changchun students receive excellent moral tradition culture the state of college students conducted a questionnaire survey,refining the excellent moral tradition culture to accept the status quo,and for its proposed to analyze the problem,find out the restricting factors of College Students excellent moral tradition cultural acc



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