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中文摘要 大学生谎言识别的特点及不同性质情绪状态、内外倾人格对谎言识别的影响 异,内倾人格与谎言识别能力呈负相关,外倾人格则呈正相关,相关程度都不显著, 但外倾人格与真话谎言识别显著正相关。
(6)不同性质情绪状态对谎言识别差异显著。在积极情绪状态下,大学生谎言 识别能力较高;在消极情绪状态下,大学生谎言识别能力较低。
关键词:大学生 谎言识别 内外倾 情绪状态
作 者:陆飞宇 指导老师:丁 芳 副教授
大学生谎言识别的特点及不同性质情绪状态、内外倾人格对谎言识别的影响 英文摘要
Feature of College Studentslie Detection and Both the Effect of Different Emotional States and
Extrovert-Introvert Personality on Lie Detection Abstract
In recent years, the domestic and abroad research of lie-detection has gradually into a system, they are more focused on how to identify and judgment of lies. However, currently,domestic research about deception is still quite few, especially for detecting with college students group, lie identification is closely related to peoples daily life. Therefore, this study intends to explore The feature of college students’lie detection and both the effect of different emotional states and extrovert-introvert personality on lie detection.
Experimental design concrete ideas are as follows:
Research One attempt to prepare used with experiment lies recognition and pictures and music video materials of dual channel arousal material, use in the formal experiment after materials make good effect.
Research Two is main understanding of The feature of college students’lie detection, gender and major factors will influence on college students ability to recognize lies, and to explore whether there is interaction between gender and major, and college students tend to use verbal or non-verbal clues to judge lies;
Research Three is investigate on different emotional states, the effect of extrovert-introvert personality on lie detection, the influence of the different nature of the emotional state, and a concrete analysis of tilting personality both, and to explore whether there is interaction between emotional and personality.
Finally, the results are basically in agreement with the experimental hypothesis, this research get the following conclusion:
The college students basi
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