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第36 卷 第9 期 中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol. 36 No. 9 2016 年9 月 Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology Sep. 2016 Doi:10.14067/ki.1673-923x.2016.09.014 http: // 春陵江流域主要林分抗损毁能力研究 张 尹,谭三清,陈文勇 (中南林业科技大学理学院,湖南 长沙 410004 ) 摘 要:以春陵江为例,研究其流域主要林分抗损毁能力,综合考虑对春陵江流域主要林分起主要作用的环境因 子、干扰因子、结构和功能因子,采用层次分析法筛选出了16 个子因子构建评价指标体系,将损毁度值分为轻 微损毁、低度损毁、中度损毁、高度损毁和极度损毁5 个等级来分析主要林分抗损毁能力。结果表明:春陵江 流域主要林分抗损毁能力由强到弱依次为杉木林组、常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林组、灌木林组、松木林组、竹林、 杨柳林组。流域主要林分抗损毁能力研究对森林生态系统恢复、优化及研究林木抗灾能力都有重要意义。 关键词:林分;流域;抗损毁能力;层次分析法 中图分类号:S718.57 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-923X(2016)09-0074-04 The anti-damage capability assessment of forest ecosystems in Chunling river valley ZHANG Yin, TAN San-qing, CHEN Wen-yong (College of Sciences, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, Hunan,China) Abstract: Taking Chunling River as an example to study the anti-damage capability of the ecosystem in this valley. With a systematic consideration to environmental factors, interference factors, structural and functional factors which play major roles in the forest stand of Chunling river, the damagedegreeisdividedto 5 levels as tinydamage, lowdamage,moderatedamage, fulldamageandseveredamageby choosing 16 indexesrepresenting the characterizationsof weakness to analyze the anti-damage capability of forest ecosystems.The result shows that the anti-damage capability of Chunling River main forest stand types in which Chinese Fir Stands was the strongest and then ever green broadleaved forest, deciduous broadleaved forest, shrubbery, pinewood, Bamboo, willow. Assessing the anti-damage capability of forest ecosystem is of great s


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