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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT 2 2 摘要 随着科学技术的发展,日常生活和工业对煤炭的依赖日益加深,采煤量也逐渐增加, 采煤过程中引起的火灾频发,防灭火工作十分重要。本文首先概述了我国煤矿在防治矿 井煤炭自燃工作中所面临的问题,从这一背景出发,简述了国内外主要防灭火技术的优 点和缺点,提出新型防治煤自燃的凝胶泡沫防灭火材料研究的必要性。本文研究了煤炭 灭火所用泡沫灭火 剂和凝胶,选取多种表面活性剂,利用搅拌法,对其进行发泡实验, 得到发泡倍数较高而且用料较少的灭火泡沫,在此基础上进行稳泡实验,从而得到最佳 的浓度配比。对发泡倍数高,稳定性好的发泡液进行了黏度,表面张力和接触角的测定, 并研究了它们之间的相互关系和泡沫对煤体覆盖性能的影响,实验表明,表面活性剂能 够降低水的表面张力,减小接触角,改善发泡液对煤体的覆盖性能,黏度大的发泡液能 提高泡沫的稳定性。 以蒙脱石、丙烯酸和丙烯酰胺为主要原料,采用溶液聚合法合成了超强吸水性蒙脱 石/聚丙烯酸钠/聚丙烯酰胺复合材料,作为煤矿灭火凝胶泡沫的稳泡剂。研究了蒙脱石 添加量、单体中和度、交联剂用量和引发剂用量对高吸水凝胶吸水性能的影响,制备出 吸水倍率高、成本低的配方。 把制备的超强吸水复合材料添加到发泡倍数高的灭火泡沫中,优化配比,制备出凝 胶泡沫防灭火材料,阻化试验表明最高有 65.6%的阻化率。 关键词:煤矿灭火;凝胶泡沫;发泡性能;稳泡剂;高吸水性凝胶 ABSTRACT With the development of science and technology, Peoples life and industry are increasingly depending on coal. So quantity of coal mining start increasing, a kind of fire often occurred during the course of the coal mining, therefore, fire prevention work to be very important. The paper outlines the problems faced by coal mines of China in the work of preventing spontaneous combust ion of coal first ly. From this background, the major domest ic and internationa l fire anti-extinguishing technology and their advantages and disad vantages are introduced. Then propose a new control on the spontaneous combust ion of coal block of foam fire extinguishing technology research. This article makes an invest igation on fire fighting about coal and the frothy gel. We are choosing a couple of surfactants, Taking advantage of mixing , to carry out exper iments, so we can get surfactants that foam multiple is higher and have advantages of low cost. On the basis of this , we work on science experiments about foam stable to get optima l concentration of a drug. We focus on the multiple high foaming and good stability of the foam liq uid viscosity, surface tension, contact angle measurement, and study the relationship between them and the foam covering on the properties of coal. It was found that surfactant can reduce surface tension o



peili2018 + 关注


