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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
As with any life, a software product or a software system to be produced, which must undergo inoculation, birth, growth, maturity and decay stages. As the entire process, activities and tasks of the structural frame, the software development model can clearly and visually deliver the whole software development, clearly defined to finish the main activities and the task and used as the basic of the software project. In some degree the typical development model such as the waterfall model, the incremental model, the spiral model and so on contribute to construct and maintain effective, practical and the high quality software. However, these models are mostly confined to solve some problems. For example the spiral model particularly suitable for the large complicated system development. In fact as organism has rich diversity, the software system itself is sundry, just only one model is difficult to deal with the diversity of the software development.
Along with the development of the Internet application platform, software technology and software requirements, the software engineering research evoluted towards individuation, integration, intelligentialized direction, searching for new software forms and new development technology are to become a front and hot issue. Based on this development trend, we present the concept of the bionic software engineering: from the perspective of the bionics principle, combined by imitating nature of the microorganism, plant and animal form, physiology, organizational mechanism, reproducing behavior characteristics to simulate the software development process. In this paper, basing on the concept of biomimetic model, we established the bionic software engineering concept model, life model and the fitness model, and then provide the imitation plants software and the imitated animal software’s system structure. Finally basing on the software model and the system structure of the bionic software, we
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