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摘 要
21 世纪是一个不断学习创新的知识经济时代。谁拥有文化优势,谁就拥有竞争优势 、 效益优势和发展优势。企业不仅是一个经济组织,也是一个文化组织,企业的生产经营 活动不仅是一种经济活动,也是一种文化活动;企业间的竞争不仅是管理的竞争和产品的 竞争,更是文化的竞争。我国的企业文化建设已经从“移植组装”开始向“自主开发”阶段 迈进,但总体上看发展很不平衡,东部沿海企业好,西部和民营企业差,说得多,做的 少,表面的多,深层的少。如何建设企业文化,使之与企业发展战略相适应,以不断满 足企业的发展需要,对多数企业来说仍是一个函待解决的难题。
本文综合运用了文献法、实证对比等研究方法,针对国有企业文化、民营企业文化 和外资企业文化的优点及缺点,利用国内外优秀企业文化创新成功的案例和经验,并借 鉴了当前国内外企业文化最新研究成果,着重探讨在经济全球化、社会信息化及我国企 业面临巨大竞争压力的背景下,我国企业如何进行企业文化建设创新,及怎样去评估企 业文化建设的优劣。目的在于力求使中国广大企业家对企业文化这一先进而有效的管理 手段加以足够的重视,并针对自身企业的特点,理论联系实际,在企业内部真正实施企 业文化建设,充分发挥企业文化在提高员工积极性、增强企业凝聚 力方面的核心作用, 最终使企业在激烈的竞争市场中求得持续发展。从而与国内外市场、社会有效而和谐地 互动,以适应当今和未来发展的需要。
关键词:文化内涵 制度 价值观念 国企民营外资 文化构建 BP 神经网络技术
The 21st century is a continuous learning innovation in the era of knowledge economy. Who owns the cultural advantages, he will have a competitive advantage and cost-effective advantage and development advantage. Enterprise is not only an economic organization, also is a cultural organization, production and management activities of enterprises is not only an economic activity, is also a kind of cultural activities; the competition among enterprises is not only managed competition and the competitiveness of the product, it is a culture of competition. Building of enterprise culture in our country have moved from the assembly transplants to the autonomous development phase of forward, but the whole development is very uneven, the eastern coastal enterprises, and private enterprises in western and poor, that much less to do, the surface more less deep. How to build corporate culture, adapt to enterprise development strategies ,continuously meet the development needs of enterprise,it is still a problem to be solved for most enterprises.
In this paper, the use of the literature, empirical research methods such as contrast, a
enumeration of the culture of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign culture and cultural advantages and weaknesses,the author make use of
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