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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 摘 要 考虑到实际问题中,属性值间可能会有偏好关系,传统粗糙集理论不能很好的解决 这种问题,因此用优势关系代替传统粗糙集中的等价关系,提出基于优势关系的粗糙集 理论。基于优势关系粗糙集理论的多准则决策,目前已有了很多的研究,很多决策方法 被提出。其中对于多准则选择和排序问题,可以用成对比较表的方法来解决,通过两两 比较的方案对来表示给出的偏好信息。但是这种方法没有考虑表中数据的一致性问题。 基于此,本文提出了一种基于优势关系粗糙集和层次分析法(AHP)的多准则决策方法。 在本文中,把成对比较表转换为成对比较矩阵,用层次分析法中一致性检验的方法检验 成对比较表的优势关系传递性。如果检验结果满足设定的一致性阈值,那么成对比较表 是可接受的,然后再根据优势关系方法提取规则,并最终得到决策结果。本文通过几个 例子来说明这种方法的可行性和有效性。最后本文也对一致性参数做了分析。 关键字 优势关系 可变精度 层次分析法 一致性 多准则决策 Ab Abstract Abstract The original rough set approach cannot deal with the inconsistencies due to the violation of the dominance principle. In order to deal with this problem, an extension of the rough sets approach was proposed which replaced the indiscernibility relation by dominance relation. Several attempts have already been made to use the dominance-based rough set approach to multi-criteria decision analysis. To deal with the multicriteria decision making and ranking problems, a method called paired comparison table has been proposed, where each row corresponds to a pair of objects described by binary relations on particular criteria. However, this method does not consider the data consistency in the comparison table, which may cause incorrect decision results. This paper puts forward a method based on dominance-based rough set approach and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in multi-criteria decision-making. First, the given paired comparison table is converted to a paired comparison matrix. AHP is then used to test the consistency of the comparison matrix due to the transitive property of dominance relation. If the table is reliable, decision rules will be extracted by DRRS method, and finally the ranking result will be obtained. The feasibility and effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by some illustrative examples. The relations between the decision results and the parameters are also analyzed. Keywords Multi-criteria Decision making Dominance relation Data consistency Variable precision rough set Analytic hierarchy



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