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The NOx produced from the combustion are very harmful substances to human, life, and environment. As the environmental pollution and energy crisis problems is much more obvious. Therefore, how to reduce the production of NOx improving the fuel utilization efficiency is important. O2/CO2 combustion and coal-biomass co-firing technology can reduce the production of NOx, collect the CO2 and increase the use of renewable energy, answering to the energy crisis and reducing the environmental pollution. This thesis analyzes the co-firing and oxy-fuel technologies. The fuels analyzed have been lignite coal, soft coal, anthracite coal, lean coal and rice hull. The combustion characteristics and NOx production have been analyzed via TG/DTA and co-firing in drop tube furnace.
The STA449F3 TGA has been employed to analyze the combustion characteristics of all types of coal, biomass and co-firing. The combustion has been analyzed in different atmospheres, oxygen concentrations, biomass contents and types of coal. The results are as follows. The coal combustion alone has one combustion peak and different coals have different combustion characteristics. The coal and biomass co-firing have two losing weight stages. Increasing the content of biomass can improve the co-firing characteristics. As the concentration of oxygen increase, the rate of combustion will increase and the ignition and burn-out temperature will decrease apparently. Using the CO2 to replace N2 have not changed the chemical kinetic reaction mechanism of fuel combustion process.
The drop tube furnace, built by myself, has been used to analyze the NOx produced during the combustion of coal and coal-biomass co-firing. The NOx production has been analysed in different atmosphere, oxygen concentration, biomass content, reaction time and excess air. The results are as follows. The production of NOx will have a peak as the reaction time. As the excess air coefficient increase, the production of NOx will also i
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