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法律语言学(forensic linguistics)是研究法律语言的交叉学科, 是语言学和法学两门学科相结合的产物。“法律语言学研究不是纯粹的语言 学研究,也不是纯粹的法律研究,而是语言学框架下的法律语言研究。”1法 律术语是法律语言词汇的核心。法律术语研究是法律语言研究的重要领域。 本文对法律术语的界说、法律术语类型论、法律术语特征论、法律术语结 构论、法律术语命选论等几个方面进行了讨论。
法律术语的界定有广义和狭义之别。此外,我们从法律术语的意义、 功能、来源和内部形式等方面对法律术语进行了详尽的分类。法律术语的 特征是由法律语言的特殊应用领域和特定的交际对象及交际功能所决定 的,体现了法律的强制性、权威性和严肃性的基本特点。法律术语具有结 构上的凝合性和意义上的法定性、单义性与准确性的特征。法律术语的科 学命选对于法律法规的准确制定,以及立法、司法、执法、普法活动的有 效开展,对于实现法律的公平、公正都具有十分重要的意义。在命制和选 取法律术语的过程中,应当结合我国的法律实际,遵循准确性、经济性、 庄重性和平实性的原则。
Forensic linguistics is a cross-disciplinary research on the legal language. It produced by the combination of Linguistics and law. The research of forensic linguistics is neither a pure study of linguistics (linguistics research), nor a pure study of legal (legal research), Instead, it is a legal language study under the framework of linguistics. legal terminology is the core of vocabulary of legal language. The research of legal terminology is an important area of legal language. This paper have discussed on the definition 、types、characteristics 、 structure 、naming and selection of legal terminology.
The definition of legal terminology has broad and narrow two kinds. In addition, we have classified the legal terminology detailed from the meaning、 function 、 source 、 internal forms and other aspect. The features of legal terminology is determined by the special application areas 、 specific communicative target and communicative function of the legal language, it embodies mandatory、 authority and seriousness of the law. Legal terminology with the cohesion in structure and the statutory、accuracy in a sense. The scientific naming and selection of legal terminology have a very important significance to the accurate formulation of the laws and regulations, as well as the effective running activities of legislation, justice, law enforcement, law popularization, and the realization of the fair, justice of the laws. In the process of naming and selection of
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