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The work production of great art performance in square is a great deal of dynamic visual effects scenes.At present directors are lacking in direct means to display and exchange the scenes.This thesis according to the requirements of display and exchange the scenes.This thesis according to the requirement of display and interactive control , to complete the goal of meeting directors’ standard and implementing real-time and dynamic interactive between users and virtual performers.This system will become an intermediary platform among performer,director and audience. The digital performance intelligent rehearsal is an innovative application which implies the technique of Computer Simulation and Virtual Reality on large-scale artistic performance.
To solve the current problems existing in the designing and implementing of large-scale artistic performance, such as inefficient manual drawing, time- consumed and costly rehearsal, and many restrictions, we proposed a digital performance intelligent rehearsal method.According to the main problems exiting in the designing and implementation of large-scale artistic performance, we introduced the main functional requirements and the architecture of intelligent rehearsal system. We made a study of formation generation based on geometries such as ellipse, polygon and closed curve; to meet various demands in practice, a vision-based formation generation is also proposed. It has been proved efficient generation by combining geometry, image and video methods,The path construction was studied based on linear fitting, pivot rotation and curve-following theory. We also introduced virtual crowd motion control method, which combines the strategies of key frame, logic group management and pre-generated control path of virtual agents.Finally, it has been applied in the design and rehearsal work .For the perfprmance arrangement,the scence of the 2D visualization has reference significance
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