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.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. As we know, with the fast development of industry, people’s life is becoming better and better. However, at the same time, the development of industry has given rise to the environment pollution. In my hometown, so much polluted water do the factories pour into the river that fish can no longer live in it. In my opinion, no matter how fast industry develops, never shall we forget our responsibility of protecting the environment. Besides, the government should also take some effective measures to punish those who destroy the natural balance. Only by making combined efforts, can we lead a healthy life and create a better environment for the next generation. * Partial Inversion used in writing 常见的部分倒装句在写作中的运用 * 基本语序natural order subject 主+ predicate 谓+object 宾 I   love   English. 部分倒装就是把一部分的谓语放在主语的之前,另一部分的谓语还是放在主语之后。 I  can speak  English. * 1. Only by constant practice, can you improve your oral English. 2. Only then did I realize the importance of English. 3. Only when he is free does he talk with his son. 读例句,总结only 倒装的情况。 小结:only + 状语短语或状语从句放在句首,要部分倒装。 * 1.只有采用这些措施,我们才能减少空气污染。 Only by taking these measures can we reduce the air pollution. 2.只有通过共同努力(combined efforts),世界才会变得更美丽。 Only through combined efforts will the world become more beautiful. 3.只有当地球被严重地污染了,人们才意识到自己犯了一个不可饶恕(inexcusable)的错误。(注意时态的使用) Only when the earth was seriously polluted, did human beings realize the had made an inexcusable mistake. 作文常用句:用only+状语(从句)的倒装句来翻译成中文 * 1. Not a word did I say to him. 2. Never will I tell a lie. 3. Little did I care about what she said. 4. Not only does he play basketball well, but he has a gift for music. 5. Seldom can we see a blue sky now. 6. By no means do I trust her. 读例句,总结以下的句子的倒装的情况。 否定词位于句首,如never , not, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, by no means, at no time…,句子要用部分倒装 * 1. 在过去,人们很少意识到环保的重要性。 In the past, rarely did people realize the importance of environment protection.


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